“I didn't like the games they made. I'm glad they get robbed. I'm a mature person with rational thoughts."
“I didn't like the games they made. I'm glad they get robbed. I'm a mature person with rational thoughts."
He stole from Randy Pritchford’s wife’s business. I get that Aliens: Colonial Marines sucked, but that really doesn’t have all that much to do with this story.
“I can assure you there is much more to this story than me being charged for crimes I did not commit,” he wrote. “I would like to finally tell my side of the story in hopes of putting a stop to this happening to anyone else in the future.”
Or those he and she pay a salary to? Or their workers’ families?
I didn’t realize theft was simply a rich people problem.
Dude has so much money that he didn’t notice 3 million going missing until it was too late.
I mean, Mr Pitchford is a CEO of a huge company, with god-knows-how-many employees, and Mrs Pitchford was starting her own new local business. I’m no business owner, but I’d wager that the money was likely gonna go towards the salaries of employees and maintaining of their facilities (which also pays for someone’s job)…
Sounds like a lot of money was stolen from their business. Money used to pay employees, make products. It’s not like these guys didn’t earn it and aren’t putting it to good use. I find your reaction baffling.
As a person of Native decent it isn’t cultural appropriation at all, it is actually just a mistake and the name stuck. The settlers thought they were in India, and called the people they found Indians. Once they realized their mistake the name was already in place. It isn’t mean or degrading it is just a name. Stop…
That was your takeaway from the article?
I am a teacher (High school math, formerly English and History), and I cannot find this amusing. I remember being 9 and getting mad when a teacher was wrong. Germany isn’t landlocked Mrs. Hampton!
Wow, this is a shit headline. Go fuck yourself Rafi.
Who on God’s green Earth are you?
Hold on there sonnyjim! Please show me a collection of your best comments before you’re allowed to criticize other comments. They’ll have to be top-notch I’m afraid.
We have wildly different ideas of incredible character design.
Yep. Just 30 minutes ago, I called this network a self-parody of liberalism, where even the most innocuous shit gets shredded for being offensive.
Get a grip. Taunts in sports are as old as time.
Two people, guilty of a crime, were arrested. Not a big story. What if they had been arrested for another crime? Tax evasion? Hit and run? Driving without a licence? Should the police have waited for a more convenient time to arrest two known criminals?
I love all these people getting into the comments section here, violating their NDA, and talking about how buggy, unbalanced, and unoptimized a pre-beta game is.
Father: It’s unbelievable. It’s so unbelievable, buddy.