
You forgot this guy :P

Seriously, Dallas? Like, I can get FortWorth, but no body dresses like that in Dallas~~

They are using specific shader nodes in the material called Parallaxing. It’s been around since UE2(3?). We used it in Bioshock infinite a lot.

Now playing

This was everyones reaction in the theater. Its even better...

Defiantly an IV drip

For whatever reason herd a reasoning behind this this. China cant come up with anything original because creativity has been beaten out of the culture.

The culture was pretty much wiped out in the Mao era, with a huge focus on math and science. The school system (and parents) put a craaazy amount of pressure on

A few things. Its apart of the art style of the game. Its all "realistic" cause that's the game play style in which the director and art director of the game wanted to go for, to give it that "mood". If this were more inline with borderlands or even minecraft, the weapons would have a much different look, but so

This, a million times XD

Omgosh, the dad is actually dead/divorced in the third card O_O

Ever think that, you know, your not that special? That guy is a human too.

Irrational Games. I mean, the stuff they do for their fans is just heartening <3

Did Germany have like, a serious gass problem that EVERY NAZI wears a gas masks?

how dare they use a brand identity!

@navi1101: At least she can float well in the water....

@uncle_paul: GOD didnt beat the kid, the phyco did. Learn to read.

like someone vomited out metal bits.

@Andrew Wyatt: Thats exacly what i thought. I can imagine him rolling on the floor of the grocery stoor causing a fit cause he didnt get his Lucky Charms cerial.

Gears of War?


But, I bought your game, that means im privileged!