
This pisses me off so much. Birth control is prescribed for so many conditions (primarily because so little attention is paid to women’s health by the medical research profession that it’s still the best option for a lot of conditions that modern medicine shrugs its shoulders at and says, “Eh, it’s probably a

Hey, that’s sushi money!

Right? Although if that thermostat doesn’t recognize “menopausal night sweat” I’m going to bash it with a shoe.

Who would have known you’d get so much shit for cracking a joke about a thermostat? I didn’t realize men were so sensitive about climate control.

My father, after the air force, spent his career as a commercial airline pilot, mostly on the Airbus A-320. My parents lived all over the world after accepting a job in Australia when I was 19. In the early-2000s, after a stint in Venezuela, he answered a call from an old co-pilot and randomly lucked into a position

Yeah, I don’t know why it’s assumed The Boys are all independently wealthy since Clooney refers to worries about mortgages and paying for school?

He hit on a teenager once on IG, but it looks like a publicity stunt because it was the plot of a movie he was promoting and he did it super publicly. Maybe everything he does is some kind of weird Joaquin Phoenix style performance art.

Hey Guys,

It was her computer!

Cline does not “admit to having been an abusive partner.” She admits to behavior you view as abuse and she does not. Defining “abuse” as a twenty-year-old putting keystroke-recording software on her own computer, which her thirty-three-year-old partner sometimes used, so that she could establish that he was cheating

Technically it’s a Woman Dollar, so it’s only worth $0.80 in man money.

I was at the grocery store a couple weeks ago with my 1yo and a man came up to me and asked “Does that boy have a piggy bank?” I was like umm.... and then he handed me a Sacajawea and said “Please put this in his piggy bank from me.”

This sounds creepy if considered in the context of Weinstein et al.

I don’t want to be all judgmental but the Republican National Committee ads for Moore seem a bit much.

Kevin James? Ugh he’s like the 50th best kind of pork, max!

I submit the superior large slab of meat....

I had surgery recently in which I laid on the table, awake, watching a surgeon burn out veins in my leg with a laser. Doctor fires up the laser and there is this disgusting stench in the room and I say “OMG what is that smell?!” and the doctor says “Oh, that’s a taste, not a smell. We can’t smell anything. You’re

Beloved seasonal classic. Not to get all food snobby, but in my experience, the vast majority of people who dislike Thanksgiving turkey are the ones who don’t know how to cook it properly. Yes it takes a long time to make, this is why we only do it once a year. Not because it’s inferior to other foodstuffs. Brine it,

Turkey is only okay, but ham is the worst kind of pork. If those are the only two options, stick with the bird for tradition’s sake. But, really, maybe some roast beef or something would be nice.

John Lasseter was actually my first interview, very first job as a reporter. And he was a fucking NIGHTMARE. He only allowed me a few minutes at a film festival while his movie was actually rolling, and speaking of rolling, he spent half that time in the bathroom doing...something that made his nose run and made him