
Does Channing Tatum play the dog?

“Since 1943 the Dickin Medal has been awarded 69 times”

Which parking garage? I can be there in 20 from Plano depending on how janky 75 is today. :)

I had a notoriously black thumb before (I have killed air plants. Yes, air plants) but something clicked into place this time. The difference may be that I put in the time to actually maintain the garden. It became my escape whenever I needed a break from the news and had to clear my mind. Never did I imagine that I

Moral reasons. I was never comfortable with the idea of eating animals. I did my best to buy from humane, local sources but even that didn’t sit well with me. One day I was reading an article about a pig farmer who refused to send his animals off site to slaughter because he couldn’t ensure things were humane. He did

i totally read it as everything from a beautiful personal secretary to Bob Taft. Which, i mean, clearly this guys is a equal opportunity fucker.

Happened to a friend a few years ago. He parked a brand new Grand Cherokee Limited in a parking garage in Uptown Dallas on a Saturday night. He then got drunk, Uber’d home, and came back to get the car the next day only to find it missing. He reported the car stolen, got a check, and moved on with his life in a new

“I believe it is time to speak up on behalf of all heterosexual males”.


Lord knows that when I look back on all the women I’ve loved, I primarily think about the men they worked for.

He fucked Bob Taft in a barn? kinky....

My grandmother went through a similar phase before my mother finally took her keys away due to advancing Alzheimers. She had this old land yacht that kept accumulating dents, some of which were obviously the result of hitting another car. My mother would ask her what happened, and my grandmother would tell her how she

With me, it’s always in the last place that I look.

My favorite part is her wig running down into her butt crack.

Whoever lived in my last apartment in Brooklyn before I did must have had a lifetime subscription to Paper, because I lived there for 13 years and it never stopped coming. It was all just fashion and trends and garbage. Every month I’d get a new one, and I’d read every word I was even remotely interested in within

If I encountered a clone of myself, I’d give me a pity fuck at most. No kissing.

That’s so obviously photoshopped!

I don’t get the PRAISE for this apology that I am seeing here, there and everywhere on social media. CK issued a good apology because he was already outed, after years of gaslighting the public about these “ridiculous!!!!” claims and maybe blacklisting a woman comedian who said they were true? Fuck all that noise.

President Obama’s “health care for all” law was officially called the “Affordable Care Act” but has been nicknamed Obamacare in honor of its champion.

There are so many levels of irony here that I officially don’t understand any of it. Someone do a translation for a befuddled non-American?