For those who haven’t watched The Good Place: possible spoiler incoming
Can everyone please watch The Good Place? If it gets cancelled I’m going to be so sad. Its such a great show, now go catch up on Netflix!
Knowledge is knowing tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to use it on a pie. - or something like that, right?
Ok, here goes. Writing this out makes me want to barf.
Around five years ago, I was a TA for an undergraduate literature course that had 300 students; there were two TAs and our job was mostly to do grading (sigh) and hand out exams and set up PowerPoints and stuff of that nature. Basically, assist the professor in all manner of tedium while she lectured. Due to a…
NOOOOOO. And that sounds just like him! My father was a doctor in Houston and told me a story about a nurse he worked with whose car broke down on the side of an isolated road in the 70s. A really deranged, terrifying-looking dude with a weird eye approached her car and tried to break into it. She somehow got the car…
Okay, I’ve tried to post this one a couple times, but it always gets buried. Maybe I’m in early enough this year?
I was on a horrible schedule, where I was waking up around 2AM every night, and had started a routine where I would go out for coffee early in the morning; before jumping on my computer for work.
Right before I turned 21 I moved to a new city, transferred colleges, and got an apartment by myself. I picked a place out on the third story of a rambling old Victorian mansion - a modest studio with white metal cabinets from the 1950's and a rusted fire escape which always gave me bad feelings. It was metal, and…
My childhood home was in a small town in Indiana. It was a beautiful blue Dutch Colonial home in a neighborhood lined with huge old pine trees. Our house had been built in the 1800s and I always had a sense that it was haunted. The neighborhood was filled with kids my age and all the families got together for summer…
Ok, I love this time of year, so forgive the new account, but I wanted to tell the story my grandmother told me. I can’t vouch for it completely, but she’s a very no-nonsense woman and I’ve never caught her in a lie (besides maybe how many martinis she’s had). Anyway, we’ll call her Betty. Betty grew up in Kansas in…
My senior year of college, my boyfriend lived off campus and so we spent a lot of time at his place. It was out in the middle of no where, surrounded by woods and only accessible by this one lane country road. One night, around Halloween, we decided to watch the movie The Strangers. It’s a horror movie about a couple…
I may have shared this last year so I apologize if it’s a repeat.
Love this feature when I discovered it last year! I wrote something up in preparation for this Halloween:
This was almost 30 years ago. Times flies. My husband and I were newlyweds and bought our first home in St Paul, MN. Big old Victorian monstrosity in a depressed area, which is what we could afford.
doot doot doodle doodle doot doot doo doo (I’m clearly bad at that)
During my teen years, like most of you I assume, my boyfriend and I would spend most nights just driving around town. One night during winter, we turned down one road that we thought was a different road, but this one ended up being very narrow, unpaved, and hadn’t been plowed. Our car got stuck and there was no cell…
When I was 12, I was waking home in the cold winter. A car approached me and offered a ride (this was before cell phones). I said no, and the car followed me the whole way home, attempting to get me back in. Finally, I ran into someone’s front porch that was unlocked (because I didn’t want the guy to know where I…