Giving context/further explanation of something does not mean you’re justifying it. Settle down.
Giving context/further explanation of something does not mean you’re justifying it. Settle down.
I take your point. But I also miss oxygen. Very much.
Up to five years?
Well, I guess that answers the question about whether her husband is circumcised.
The Quicker Fucker Upper
So, seriously, I know we’re 10 months in but how often do the rest of you have one of those “Oh right, Donald Fucking Trump is the President of the United States” moments? It happens to me less often now but still, you know, once or twice a week. The guy they used to make fun of in Bloom County, the guy Ali G screwed…
Requisite comment about how Ohio fought on the side of the Union to defeat Lee. But I guess racial resentment trumps history.
The flu often carries of the most vulnerable - young children and seniors. But the 1918 flu killed mainly young adults. And, given the young men lost to WWI and then the flu, there was a whole generation of young women with few marital opportunities. So in the 1920 you had the brash young women stepping out of…
:( Nothing to say other than I hope for a fast recovery for her. The world could use much more of her.
Well that’s part of the problem, though. As they state above, most of us who that deduction actually helps will no longer benefit from it. My house was tough for us to afford; still is. We had to get out of renting, though. But it’s not a multi-million dollar home and we don’t have the money to contribute large sums…
You clearly do not live in California. They are everywhere.
Sometimes there isn’t much of a choice, though. They’re easy enough to avoid in more rural towns, but bigger urban areas with lots of sprawl? You’re gonna have a beast of a time finding the house you want that you can afford and otherwise plausibly live with outside of an HOA.
Current VP of our HOA here, guy across the street is the Pres. He just finished putting a Turbo in his Miata last year, just finished a engine swap in a 84 pick up, still has a boat that needs rewiring. Truly all we have done over the past 2 years was remind people that if they get a shed the exterior siding has to…
During a late afternoon press conference, Hayes said the decision was painful
Froggyfriendly, we are not hating on you- or at least most if us aren’t-but most of us are women and probably mothers and we know that if you think you can’t get on top of this cleaning situation now, it will be twice as bad when you’re taking care of a baby and cleaning up while trying to also keep it safe. Being…
Whatever, they’re both in eastern Europe...
I didn’t read it as her saying all women who have C-sections are being lazy, just that she didn’t have to do it and chose to because she didn’t want to deal with vaginal delivery.
YES. I think people are taking this the wrong way. I dgaf either way about Kate Hudson, but I guaran-fucking-tee you that she - like SO many other women (especially here in LA) - scheduled her c-section way ahead of time and for reasons having absolutely nothing to do with anything except vanity and convenience. And…
I thought she meant that she was one of those women who scheduled C-sections to avoid pain, poop, labor. That was a very common—and practice around the time she had her kid.
Kelly- are you acquainted with Take Me Out?