
Can’t unsee that moose knuckle

That poor girl. Imagine thinking you were just quietly doing some light prostitution and then, years later, finding yourself a meme with that monstrosity. A woman’s work is never done.

In every comment section there is some jerk who tries to be funny, before you post anything ask yourself, are you that somebody?

If a crowd of people surrounds my car and starts hitting it, I’m getting the hell out of there. I can’t be the only person who feels this way.

You shut your goddamn mouth about my lacroix

Usually about...now:

Come on now. Let’s not blame the mother for a grown man being a monster.

Whaaat? Who actually stopped eating cookie dough forever and for always??? A few things worth noting here:

If there are no candles, you don’t get to make a wish! Then you may never escape that workplace! Duh.

Do people really blow out candles as an adult in the workplace? That seems pretty silly to me.

Then you need to bake the children longer before you stick the candles in them.

I used to work for infectious diseases docs and you know what else is incredibly germy? That ID badge people wear everyday for work. Think about it: you touch a doorknob then touch the badge, touch the bathroom surfaces then touch the badge, shake hands with Phlemmy Phil, then touch the badge. Times ten if you need to

Well, but a cab driver is also a stranger, and no one knows that you’re in that particular car. At least with Lyft & Airbnb etc there’s a digital record of exactly where you are and who you’re with.

That child with a baby is only three years older than my sweet, dumb (in an endearing, adolescent way) son. He doesn’t have a full driver’s license yet. He’s hoping to land his first after school job soon. The thought of him procreating three years from now makes me feel light-headed.

Gravy is gonna be her nickname.

I quite literally feel rage that anyone but those nearest to them give a shit.

If this stands it means they’ll medically separate from service anyone with an F64 ICD-10 gender diagnosis in their medical record. I was a physician in the Air Force. I cannot emphasize enough the immense waste of time and money it is to medically separate an experienced, able-bodied service member against their

It’s probably got an active short term memory that gets attached to the server storage once the camera is “activated”. Just a guess. Back in my audio days, you could always count on a second or two of “pre-roll” to get recorded before your theoretical start point.

How does that even work? Is it always recording but only doesn’t delete the recording once it is turned on?