
I’m 40, married, with no children. It’s amazing how in 2017 I still get snide comments from people for choosing a life without kids (particularly from women of child bearing age). I’m selfish, my life has no meaning, and, by all accounts, I’ll have no one to care for me when I’m old. Even as a child growing up, I knew

Twitter wins:

You didn’t read the article. It was not the family’s gun.

HOLD ON: In what state is bestiality “technically legal?” Whaaat. No. That needs to be fixed.

Wow. It would be so much easier just to admit you’re gay, suck a cock, get over yourself and finally enjoy life.

All of you have made me very happy indeed. Bless you, my dears. May the light that shines from Trogdor’s trail of burnination forever guide you. xo


But not enough to you know, let those Syrian children come to the United States to escape chemical warfare.

I knew my roommate was talking about me to her mom b/c she kept having to say my name over and over (apparently some of the sounds in my name don’t exist or are not easy to say in Greek). But we were friends, and it turned out her mother was just trying to figure out a way for me to marry her brother.

OT, but I’m trying to star comments, and I’m taking the stars away instead!

Ugh, our moms are the collective worst.

I gained something ridiculous like 70 lbs when I was pregnant and despite the exercise/diet/breastfeeding grind I’m still at least 30 lbs overweight, 3 years later.

This goddamn ass munching Bucky Beaver looking motherfucker deserves to be hit by a fucking bus.

I don’t know...she may be a victim of her husband’s madness, too. She doesn’t really seem to like him.

Yeah, but having money certainly makes it easier for you to control how you spend those minutes. You can cram a lot more life into those days and years if you’re not constantly living paycheck to paycheck.

Why is being within 1000 feet of a church a crime of its own?

Whew good thing that ban never passed or else I’d be STARVING

No one ever talks about Nasubi. Which is a naked guy filmed in an apt alone and he could only get things by entering sweepstakes in magazines. It continues to get worse and worse from there. Like some form of contemporary hell.

“It’s a great question to ask, and, obviously if it happens in someone’s life, it may not be the best thing that ever happened...But, so you’re saying that God is not sovereign with every activity that happens in someone’s life and can’t use anything and everything in someone’s life, and I disagree with that.”