
The worst part about unpaid internships is that it means only people who have outside financial support can have the opportunity and get the experience.

I clicked on this article, did not read it, and immediately headed to the comments for this very reason.

right? This is basically a bat signal for her?

Vacations last way longer than mouth stuff, and wouldn’t that also include GIVING mouthstuff and receiving bad mouthstuff? I’d rather go to Cabo for a 3-day weekend.

I’m a borderline alcoholic, so...

By the way, 2017 Lindsay Lohan thinks upwards of 14 $1 bills and a foreign ten note are a “fabulous prize.” Her words, not mine.

Thought this was midweek madness for a quick second.

Please, she had one of those and she still couldn’t show up. IT TOOK PLACE IN HER HOME AND SHE STILL COULDN’T MANAGE TO DO HER JOB. Enough with giving this loser chances.

FYI, sharia law now involves scantily clad women, men bending over in front of other men, alcohol, and touching a pig skin.

Also family members such as parents or siblings are very different from your spouse. I mean a parent may grieve about the dreams and picture they had in mind for their kid but it doesn’t personally effect their life, not in the same way as it does for a spouse. The spouse isn’t only grieving about what they pictured

It is so hard. My ex started transitioning when we were together and there’s so much more to supporting someone through that than just “I’m a different gender now.” Her transition is not what ended our relationship but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t contribute a little.

Last October, the 24-year-old checked into rehab to deal with mental health issues which at the time she attributed to “side effects from lupus,” canceling the 34 remaining dates of her Revival tour. She spoke to Vogue for the first time about rehab, which she calls “one of the hardest things I’ve done, but it was the

Yep. Them’s hands that Scarlett O’Hara would be proud of. Never seen a hard day of work in his damn life.

So soft and white. Like a dead fish’s belly.

Best I can figure...

What exactly does it say about me that I did in fact click on this story, knowing I would have to look at multiple horrible close-ups that made me gag, and am still commenting on it?

Yeah but he’s a disproportionately big ass with a skinny midsection.

TEARS. Fucking kids, man.


1984, 1972 (for presidents), and various other years (for governors) would like to have a word with you.