Soap may even be too much depending on how sensitive you are to the yeasties and the ph of your soap.
Soap may even be too much depending on how sensitive you are to the yeasties and the ph of your soap.
So refreshing to finally have a government that isn’t made up of delicate little snowflakes like the left is made up of.
Yeah, in her defense, 13.1 miles is a long-ass way to run. I wouldn’t want to do it either.
This is one time when SEO didn’t want to be found out.
You’d have to be seriously insane to consider this kind of bizarre behavior. Running for miles and miles. Nuts, I say.
“Murder, He tweeted”
i wish there was a way to defuse and declaw the signal to noise ratio that is social media and the internet. i think we, as humans, tend to take the vitriol way more to heart than the praise we receive online, perhaps out of some inherent lack of confidence in ourselves or self-worth issues - essentially reducing our…
Yeah, my friend has been “no kids” since forever (I’ve known her since we were teens and she was saying it then). There was a HUGE resurgence of “you’ll change your mind” when she got married, even though her husband, who is about 15 years older, doesn’t want kids either - that’s part of why they’re a good match. That…
I’ve never wanted kids but I remember one day at some point in my 30s, for about 20 minutes, getting an overwhelming feeling of WANTING TO HAVE A BABY. It was my biological clock was suddenly not just ticking, but chiming in my ear. It was an all-encompassing, physical feeling that I can only explain by hormones.…
I was that annoying person who would go on rants about how I would never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever have kids and list all the reasons why, even when no one asked. Then something changed and I wanted kids more than anything else in the world. I have one now, I want a dozen more. I really meant it then when I…
Good to see he’s moving on from Heidi Klum
You’ve thought about this, huh? I like you.
So damn stupid. Humans can’t be a viably raised source of meat because our gestation period is too long and our diet too varied. We’d either have to be super rare luxury meat, like veal only a hundred times more expensive, or utter crap fast food where we are just gathered and ground up en masse.
Don’t you DARE ruin dumplings for me like that!
True. Muscle tissue starts to toughen with use and age which is why you wouldn’t prefer an aged heifer over a young calf. But you also get more meat off a fully grown person than you would a child. I’m supposing that in the case of cannibalism it’s probably more of a “lack of protein source” issue so I would go for…
But were they EASY Ds?
Lol @ that still for the video. She’s even beautiful when she makes ugly faces.
His supporters still think trickle down economics is brilliant. They’ll cheer on this change. Because of the billionaires just get richer, maybe one day I’ll make some money too! And let’s not forget they’re JOB CREATORS. even though most of them don’t believe in minimum wage period. Maybe jobs will come back but…