Whatever you say Skippy!

Agreed. How petty do you have to be to hate someone for being good at a game?

Sure I hate spawn camping and griefing. But this guy isn’t even doing that. And I’m also not going to troll someone on the internet because they did it to me. Or threaten their life.

This is the end result of modern society denying the

Gamers:. “Git gud scrub.”

i don’t know anything about this game, community, or player, but reading this makes me want to attend every tournament near me to cheer for this guy. fucking loud.

It shouldn’t have to be said - Barrios doesn’t deserve to be treated like shit for playing well.

The question of “what are these kneeling players protesting” has been answered over, and over, and over again—and should’ve been eye-bleedingly obvious to anyone paying even a modicum of attention, even without Kaepernick et. al. providing an explanation.

I’m the son of two law enforcement officers; I admit up front

They’re called fascist solutions, but would whine and beg if someone showed up to stomp their ass. I hope someone with a backpack full of these flyers gets his head smashed in. If they want violence, well, violence is the only thing that has historically worked against fascism.

Black kids get kicked off of their athletic teams for protesting the anthem, and it’s no big deal. But the right to post flyers like has to be protected, lest we slide into totalitarianism. Right.

The group calls itself fascist solutions yet would probably get offended if you called them fascist.

Welcome to Trump nation, where this type disgusting behavior is becoming a normal everyday occurrence.

Can I just be “that guy” for a moment and point out that the poster depicts someone with their hands tied behind their back? That’s not a suicide, it’s a LYNCHING, and last time I looked, threats of lynching are not considered free speech.

We just had an example of the genius of Trump’s protectionism, yesterday.

1st: I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m sure getting tired of all the winning.

Incitement to violence is not protected speech.

This is encouraging vulnerable people to take their own life. This should not be protected speech

Nope, that’s a spineless university president right there. He should have condemned it, and said it is not acceptable, and any student found placing things inciting violence and hate would be expelled, and prosecuted for a hate crime.

‘Upholding first amendent rights’

Just the latest reminder that money-grubbing has gone off the rails in the videogame industry.

If I had a nickel for the number of times I’ve heard “just ignore it, you don’t need to buy them, they literally don’t affect the game at all” :\

I need to get a new hobby, one that doesn’t involve micro transactions and dlc.

Sorry anyone who believes anything that Bungie says at this point deserves to be put into a patented matchmaking system designed to make you spend more money.