That’s still less than the amount we pay to fight drugs in the first place.
That’s still less than the amount we pay to fight drugs in the first place.
“Keep the Christ in Christmas!”
Maybe there’s a psychological thing where “Merry Christmas” is linked to the America with positive economic growth, and those eras in the 70's, 50's, 60's, 90's, etc. They think that saying a word will be like a magic sesame and bring the good times back.
So the dense montherfucker who just sabotaged the ACA (which will fuck over so many of his constituents in the process) just to prove his point will likely sabotage NAFTA (which will also fuck over so many of his constituents and people iun Mexico and Canada) just to prove his point.
It’s almost like Trump doesn’t think about the consequences of his actions.
It’s not, they’re just too stupid to understand the bigger issues. No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of a holy roller.
Last xmas eve, I called my dispatcher to sign into work. He said, “merry christmas!” Then, “You know why I said that? Because trump said I can.”
I got a chuckle out of the fact that the “Yellowstone Super-Volcano Likely to Erupt Much Sooner Than Originally Thought” trending item on Facebook since yesterday is subtitled: “Faster, please.”
a. If life begins at conception, can I move my birthday 9 months earlier? That’ll let me retire sooner.
Surprisingly, the people who whine the most about everything being, “politically correct” and “snowflakes”, are in fact the biggest pussies out there.
It’s the other people the ones who have to live up to their “Christian” standards, not them, because they can always ask Jesus for forgiveness, while the rest of us “godless liberals” can’t.
They wanted the Supreme Court and they got it. They’re happy.
The idea that the majority is somehow persecuted always confuses me. Like, oh how brave! You are standing up for something that half of the country already fervently defends and half of the country doesn’t give half a crap about! What a glorious stand! You are exactly the same as those Christians the Romans didn’t…
To think there are motherfuckers in this country to whom ‘Happy holidays’ vs ‘Merry Christmas’ is the biggest political issue they have to face.
There’s nothing Evangelicals love more than a good persecution fantasy.
Look, nobody ever said that leaders have to be perfect. Except them. They said that. Like, all the time, too. But other than them, nobody said that.
I’ve said it a million times.. he WANTS a war.. he needs a WAR.. and he’s stoking a lot of them (nuclear war with NK and Iran).. and now stoking the flames of a religious war. And that’s a war in which NO one can win.. ideological wars never end because there is no singular “them”.. one that has no boundaries, age,…
The “Moral Majority” finally get the leader they deserve: a serial sexual predator, adulterer, thrice-married, draft-dodging megalomaniac coward who has admitted to never have asked god for forgiveness.
That “war on Christmas” crap really plays. I’m kind of amazed how big a deal it is for their demographic. Especially since my usual response to people bravely standing up for Christmas is a shrug.
30 million people did not have health insurance before Trump took office. And uncounted millions more had insurance, yet could not afford the co-pays and overages to actually use it. But now Jimmy Kimmel is talking about this?