
It’s “Weeknd”, I’m 31, and you’re not old. Just...no.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that there is an intersection of Amy Schumer fans and Trump voters.

She prefers the physical keyboards of old Blackberry phones for typing, and iPhones for photos.

approximately how many times a day are you fully punched in the face

the lyrics have been on the internet for nine months or longer

My dad’s Jamaican, and many visits to the island when I was younger when I couldn’t make out what people were saying to me, “I don’t know what you said. Can you repeat that.” And they would laugh it off (and at me) and repeat what they said with less slang or slower.

I don’t think the point is that anyone needs to have like, memorized the lyrics. It’s that they thinks she’s somehow either mangling english, or just making weird anamalistic sounds, when she’s just speaking another language. The language of the country that she’s from. It would be like if people were criticizing

You don’t have to know what she’s saying to know she’s not speaking gibberish. Any music writer who’s being published in a major magazine or online platform oughta know better. Rihanna has sung in patois before.

Ah... Reactionary reshoots. Always a great way to make a movie. A lot of the problems with the movie really do sound like an executive desperately trying to win back an audience.

Wasn't it the same doctor?

I was disappointed that they wrote for her a Lady Gaga-type character - almost just an extension of the Paparazzi video persona. I was hoping for more of an against-type opportunity for Stefani Germanotta to explore.

wait until she finds out that some Hispanic Americans dont speak Spanish at all!

There’s an entire country in Europe where millions of white folk speak flawless Spanish almost from birth.

It’s going to blow her mind when she learns that non-Hispanic people can speak Spanish and language proficiency is not solely based on race/national origin.

According to her lawyers, Rosner felt that another instructor could assume responsibilities over the Spanish-teaching portion of the class, while she would focus on reading and writing.

Didn’t read it as annoyed, just a funny anecdote with dramatic irony.

The irony of the people insisting she should have read the job’s requirements before agreeing to the job, not reading the article itself.

According to the article, the dress code changed after her boss said something. Pretty hard to read something that doesn’t exist.

Didn’t read the article? The boss changed the dress code after the fact because they didn’t want pony tails or head scarves.