
Ah yes, Canada, the utopia.

Wow! Do you listen to Triple J? I thought it was ok but she wasn’t very creative in her choice


“If you didn’t spend so much time whoring yourself up in the bathroom maybe you wouldn’t be so depressed” -Mum

Fan Bing Bing!!

I was being snarky but I so agree! But I don’t have a wood floor and my bed is a cool really high one made by my dad in the 80s so I need to keep reminding myself that my room is cool in another way

God knows the hate she’s going to get for this- I hope our praise helps make up for it

Oh god I’m not sure. Disgusting things though. Like “When did you stop looking at me like it hurt to look away?”. Pulled that one out of my butthole for the same effect. Also like screenshots of Daria saying like “I don’t want to wake up at 40 working a job I hate and living with someone I despise” or something, Or

I mean. I appreciate the look. It’s cool. But where is everything? I know nothing about you? where are your books? help me understand u

My room used to be covered in pictures from tumblr. Black and white quotes from movies I’ve never seen, pretty white blonde girls, rosie the riverter, teens in flower crowns and daisie dukes. I pulled that down two years ago and now It’s plain except for some photos of my dads youth and art postcards and polaroids of

I found tina fey’s book boring and Amy’s was better but still disappointing :// i forgot how much harder it is to be funny via the page

Hellooooo! What books should I read? What books are you reading? I just finished exams and have time to read and I have forgotten how great it is! I just finished the casual vacancy by jk rowling and now i want to branch out and just reAD

Now playing

sorta off topic but listen to this amazing cover of I want to dance with somebody by Asta!

omg i know like when Kara posted that article about staying woke and there were all these white people in the comments like “do u mean stay awale? Lol! what does that even mean???”. I’m a 16 year old Australian and it’s not difficult to work shit out

I went on an extended holiday to see my family in Vietnam before I went back to school when I was like 6. When I came back the teacher asked the class a question about the story she was telling and I replied in Vietnamese because my brain was confused so SHE SENT ME TO THE PRINCIPAL BECAUSE I WAS SPEAKING GIBBERISH IN

you’re so bitter and nasty and you lack all self awareness. your comments are unnecessary and horrible and you must be too

I know alot of people seem to be not watching Paper Towns because of the manic pixie dream girl stereotype or because it just looks bad. I’m not going to watch it (in cinemas!) because part of Margo’s character is that she’s meant to be a lil curvy, a lil short. She gets pissed off at her friend’s backhanded

It’s also so wrong. like which average tourist would ever come into any danger from a snake? How often is an unsuspecting tourist just killed in a bushfire in the blue mountains? Like yes if you take a full continent sized country you can find enough scary things to make a list. congratulations.

"Look daddy! When I rub them, I can make them go hard!" -3 year old me to my dad while he bathed me, as I fondled my nipples

rookie is great! I got the first one when I was 13 and there was a page about masturbating but like everyone doest it and it doesnt make you evil!!!!1! And then a feature about people's first times. There might've been some swearing somewhere but its an amazing read for a twelve year old