
And not to mention one of the best scores.

It was so satisfying to see Joe Johnston score a direct hit with Captain America: The First Avenger, which remains my sentimental favorite of the MCU catalog.

And Odyssey Mario! Take a look at Mario’s buttons.

maaaybe, for some reason I have a feeling it’s a new game?? Maybe I’m wrong

Another 4 brands. I forgot that Camp Chef, which was one of the 5 that I found, is a Vista brand. There could be others, since often the Exhibitor Listing name is that of a parent company, not a brand.

Yeah, agreed. She obviously knew she could google it, and probably did google it.

A Tinder for dog lovers, eh?

Yeah, the condescension behind “I’m more woke than you” makes me at least understand where antagonism and backlash come from, even as I revile and don’t give much credence to it.

Yeah, let’s shit on people for not knowing how to pronounce a completely illogically spelled word that just started gaining traction six months ago.

Consider the Episcopal church.

Or they use those other things as justification for tearing apart the momentum of the movement.

They will really prove themselves if they can pull it off and not make it exploitative, but I doubt it. Seems like Tarantino is drawn to this for the shock and wow factor of doing a Sharon Tate movie. He’s trying to do some ryan murphy type shit.

I went to an all girls Catholic HS and revered the nuns. When I discovered the disparities- priests are given a stipend just for freaking existing, nuns have to earn their own money; priests can retire however they wish, nuns need to live with family or in a convent home - I went ballistic. My favorite nun lamented

And you’re saying that’s a good thing?

So you’re that guy.

Yep, they also come in Pink Hearts, Yellow Moons, Orange Stars, Green Clovers, Blue Diamonds, Purple Horseshoes, and Red Balloons!

Who protects us from the “good” guy with a gun?

After watching the first Frozen my son told me he wished I’d die like Elsa’s parents, so he and his brother could have an ice rink in the front yard.

The other colors used to be the norm, with orange being more rare. But the Dutch, who were among the most prolific carrot farmers in Europe, started cultivating the orange ones as tribute to William of Orange, and the others were no longer mass produced.

Oh I don’t mean to say it’s not. I went for a 2 year diploma and was lucky enough to be recommended by another student who passed on my first job. I would completely agree that making making 39k a year would change my decision. If I were living someplace where the cost of living were cheaper I could accept less as