
One of the best movie lines ever: “I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor, and believe me, rich is better.”

The money’s not suddenly going to start getting on you to lose weight, even though your weight hasn’t changed since you met.

AKA a ton of millennials are only in a committed relationship because they can’t afford a 1 bedroom apartment on their own. A $36,000 raise would allow them to break up with the partner they’re not really that into anymore, without having to move back in with their parents.

Millennials just be falling down the steps of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs head first.

Every relationship I’ve had has ended not because of interpersonal problems, but because of jobs. Relocation specifically.

Of course and it’s not even close.

It’s a tucci subject.

Worked in a cell phone store when I was younger, I remember it being slammed. Out of the corner of my eye, I see this older lady carrying a child bump a customer a co-worker of mine was working with to say:

“I’m in a real hurry, I just need to return this car charger. It doesn’t work.”

The lady she was interrupting

The Mummy forever and always

Personally: I genuinely think that the overwhelming glorification of the military is about a million times more insidious and worrisome when it comes to kids playing call of duty then any level of videogame violence I’ve ever seen.

And the thing with this study is, it’s not proscribing caloric limits—but by limiting processed foods, folks are already cutting calories. Like, who can eat even 300 calories of romaine lettuce in a sitting? No one, because that’s about 30 cups of lettuce. Versus how easy is it to eat 300 calories of French fries in a

Yes... but... the “how much you burn” is related to hormonal regulation. And, the “how much you consume”—fight it as you might—is also related to your appetite which is—you guessed it—related to hormonal regulation. Hormonal regulation, in turn, is affected by diet.

Oh come on, Mr. Jones, I still have popcorn left!

Something tells me we don’t REALLY want to know what Chris Pratt thinks about this issue.

I’m going to put that picture on the front of my fridge to jump start my diet.

Yep, and in stores where management doesn’t care... As an employee, you just have to learn to let it go. You’re handing out $400 gift cards while making barely more than minimum wage. You feel like the dumb one in this transaction.

Well we are bereft of Heath here in Canada, but as Pastafarian says they are slightly different.

I think Canadian DQ has a few other flavours that aren't represented here - I've never seen a Banana Split blizzard on their menu but the nes up here have a Banana Cream Pie one that was pretty good (if the bananas were of the correct ripeness)

Skor is indeed the king, CEO and dominatrix of all blizzards but I believe these poor unfortunate twits live in the United States and so suffer in a Skor-less universe. I don't know what "Heath" is but it sounds stupid.