
The “never preorder” argument being so black-and-white is exactly why a lot of people ignore it - it’s not that simple. There are plenty of reasons it might be worth preordering, it just has to be done with eyes open, aware of a company’s track record and the risks involved with the game type (like always online or

Wait, isn’t allocating frequencies to enable telecom services what the FCC is supposed to do? 🤔

Where do you read that in the article? You literally made that up. He tried contacting them and all of the proper authorities. No one did anything so he took matters into his own hands. NOW they want to resolve everything with no problems. No, they can pay for allowing their employees to park on private property WITH

How is a car company going to beat the shit out of someone legally when they allow their cars to be illegally parked on private property?

In this instance, I’d make my friend get my car back. More generally, I’d explain he situation to Mr. Smith, offer an apology, and remove my car as quickly as possible. I might also offer compensation for any damages to his private property. Ya know, be a good neighbor.

How is the property owner wrong here?

anyone attempting to extort our business by holding our property illegally

This argument against them earning makes no sense. Some jobs require more formal education than others. Others require persistence and dealing with people who think one earns too much.

Raising the minimum wage increases consumer spending and boosts the economy. A study by Doug Hall and David Cooper estimated that a $2.55 increase in the minimum wage would increase the earnings of low-wage workers by $40 billion and result in a significant increase in GDP and employment. 

If you’re dumb enough to be installing a FLASHLIGHT APP in 2019, you deserve the worst they can throw at you -_-

Yeah, that was a bad take.

Right, because obesity is as simple as people just eating too much.

As a friend of someone who dealt with this, it’s truly an addiction. They got through it, but it took help. Maybe you could not knock on people who are embracing a tool to help them reach a solution. Yeah, some people will go to this as an “easy fix”, but pairing this with increased exercise and working on a better

Aren’t you a special person! We should all aspire to be as wise and morally outstanding as koto2992.

KOTO, So when you were a teenager you NEVER EVER did something you shouldn’t do? Sorry, but I succumbed to peer pressure when I was a teen and started smoking. That was back in 1973. After 35 years, and many times trying to quit smoking, I started vaping. I was a pack a day smoker, and my lungs were in serious trouble

Isnt that true with any chemical you put in your body? We are all adults here. Well, the ones who arent under age.

Vaping has helped me quit cigarettes, I was up to 2 packs a day. And frankly I don’t care how I look vaping, I’m not looking for other people’s opinion. So, you sir, are the douchebag for judging what others “look like” when it doesn’t affect you.

It’s changing for the worse, though. I work a lot with young people (older teens) in a pastoral care setting, and in the four years I’ve done the job, the amount of body issues amongst young men causing knock-on effects (such as eating disorders, depression, etc) has risen massively.

It’s like we’re heading towards

As good a time as any to remind folks that poison is in the dose, not in the substance. Pure water is poisonous at high enough dosages.

WARNING: The state of California contains homo sapiens, known to the state of California to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information, visit www.P65Warnings.ca.gov.”