
I’m honestly the last person to disagree with the idea that the Republican FCC are corporate shills, but I feel like the argument you’re making is a stretch. The merger part you mentioned notwithstanding (because you tacked it on for substance), I’m not actually sure what the problem is here. Are you against 5G

Might as well make 49 more. Put them all on Alabama.

No. You can leave for making the most horrid portmanteau ever.

This is a very bad idea. Here’s some better ones:

As a gay man, I’m frankly tired of seeing a struggle of any sort in movie fiction and I know my husband, who is a major comics fan, feels the same. That’s played out. We know the struggle plenty from life, thanks. What we want, frankly, is for it to be boring but present. It should be completely unremarkable that the

The inner edge? Shouldn't that make us warmer, not colder?