
she was given a tv show, literally for being the disgustingly self involved mother of a tiny train wreck. that vote of approval for her personality and lifestyle contributes directly to the same delusion that allows her to say "i put my kids first" while dating someone who raped one of her kids.

Thank fucking god for Sandra Hale. There's one actual adult looking out for the children, who cares about their well-being and safety. Jesus Fucking Christ, this gets worse by the day.

I'm a huge Gaga fan, and about 10 years older than the group of kids I go to concerts with. They're lovely and all, but they really do think the world centers around teenagers. It's hilarious. I was eating in a diner post show with a whole table-full of them once and they were discussing movies, and Goosebumps came

I understand how you're feeling, but I don't view this with Jezebel. I think they have an anti-crazy-wedding stance, which I tend to agree with. Actual anti-wedding, however, I don't see. What I do have a problem with is their anti-healthy stance. They frequently claim BMI is a terrible indicator—it is, if you're very

"Then I would be devastating. I'd know exactly how to please a woman, I'd know exactly where to put my fingers, where to put my tongue, where to put my – his I should say – his fingers, his tongue. Think about violinists, think about what they can do with their fingers."

Tell me more!

Instead, he has been confined to a psychiatric hospital, one which he is unlikely to ever be allowed to leave.

Agreed — don't steal someone else's panther.

I misread the title as why it may not pay to steal someone else's panther, which I felt was fairly self-explanatory.

I like 1989 a lot so far, but I can't imagine I will ever like it more than I like Red! I just love Red so much.

I'm gonna be that person and say.....I don't like this. I care less about the fact that he made her wear that stuff (which, just within their family, could actually be funny and effective) and more about the fact that he humiliated her in front of 250,000 people (and counting). 10 years old is old enough to start

"I guess I finally felt like a real New York rat when, as I was on my way from my breakfast trash bag to my brunch trash bag, I was rudely stepped upon by a woman getting off the train. Cracked three ribs, but I remember her shoes were fabulous."

Um, well, it was inspired by seeing this other ring we liked that was way more expensive, and then telling a jeweler about that. To find the idea for it...um...I google imaged "rings made by fairies" and then scrolled the photos. I didn't actually think that would work, but it did!

Well, there was that whole abruptly and coldly dumping her after she'd changed schools and moved two states at his request thing.

I felt the same way, but my boyfriend really wanted to get me a ring, so we ended up getting that shit designed by a jeweler. This is the ring I ended up with, which is both SO MUCH PRETTIER and SO MUCH CHEAPER than a real engagement ring.

I kept it when I found he'd cheated (she answered his phone and we chatted) and then I returned it to Tiffany. I got ALL the money.

o helo

Maybe it has to do with pestering someone to get back with them, rather than making a website detailing how the breakup affected them.

I think it's more "doing something by yourself" vs "begging the other person to come back."