
And that's not rocket science, either. So dudes should get it (unless they're just totally stupid, in which case hopefully we're not dating them anyway).

Agreed. Wanting to marry an investment banker isn't the same thing as wanting to marry someone who pulls their own goddamned weight. Yes, I'm successful and career-oriented, but I don't have the kind of income by myself on which one could support two people and a baby. Which means my partner needs to work. Not work so

Oh, I can top that. The guy who tried to talk me out of my virginity told me I couldn't get pregnant because he was sterile. I asked him if it was genetic and he said yes. He didn't understand why I started laughing hysterically.

Do you have a spare room?


[Husband] also made the mistake of saying "But it was only 40 minutes!" I offered to stab him in the crotch for only 40 minutes.

I felt so upset in my nether region upon reading this.

So, some of you may have little bits of this already.

For my second kid's birth, my epidural failed. Yep, apparently this is a thing that can happen. I had been in labor for about 12 hours and was exhausted. I got it just as things were getting intense, and was fine for about an hour. Then all of a sudden the pain came back full force, just as I was transitioning - the


Gah. Last time there was a horror story thread about childbirth on Jezebel, I was on the bus on my way to work, reading along on my phone. Then someone mentioned buckets, and isn't it crazy that the same supplies you buy at Home Depot can be used in delivery? NOPE. In horror, I shut my phone off, shut my

Yeah, when you combine socially, racially, and economically homogenous with a strong safety net, universal health care, and a much more egalitarian approach to education, you take away an awful lot of the reasons people turn to crime.

another victory for Team Dog.

Example C:

Example B:

according to this instagram, any time the police are called the police show up and just go '...guys...' and everyone calms down and apologizes and then leaves.

It was that front-hug at the airport. Jim Bob was right. He totally sullied her. It is the road to sin.

i would just like to take a moment to appreciate that the url for this post is "one-of-t-a-t-us-fake-lesbians-is-actually-a-raging-homo"

I just read an article from the Denver Post about a "hazing" incident in SW Colorado and I'm so glad this article is here, because I really want one of Jezebel's writers to talk about this. http://www.denverpost.com/ci_23505991/so…

Do you see the comments in there?