
Well, his niece IS suffering. Clearly the brother is hopelessly out of tune with his wife's needs. Denying her a child, as her husband, is immature and unfair.

He is being emotionally cruel to her and ignoring her needs. I think it is wrong for a man to expect sex from his wife but deny her a child. If I were her I'd say no contraception or else no sex.

I do believe if you subconsciously know something is wrong in your relationship, you won't ovulate. Ovulation can be arrested by stress etc, you have to be pretty damn sure you are secure before it happens. So, saved by your intuitive ova!!

Feeding a baby a vegan die is unnatural and harmful. Even in say strict Jain societies throughout history, babies have ALWAYS been nourished with milk, cheese etc. The child's development will be severely stunted, it will not reach it's potential either in terms of mental development or in stature. Wait at see. At 9,

Not to mention 'hit up' and 'stateside'. *delicate shudder*

Well, you certainly picked up the lingo over there. "Store"!!!?? "carrying"???? When did "shop" and "in stock" go out of style? Fie I say, fie!!!

Er, actually most Londoners love and embrace grime. Don't assume we have the kind of racialised police violence you have in the US. Stop projecting America's problems with unreasonable/brutal police behaviour on London.

Do you have to go back at once? You could maybe do part time for a bit, sort of ease into it?

The fact is, they want to sell as many magazines as possible, and Britain is a majority white country. It's a commercial choice, not a political one and I really don't think that will ever change...

Look, I think it's great the author is getting some agency. But please, let's not act as though pole dancing is 'fun' or 'empowering' for women. It's for those with few economic options. Why is being poor, naked and objectified up on a pole portrayed as some kind of glamorous life choice?

I wonder about this too. think it must be some kind of psychopathology; a rebellion against her parents by painting them as unworthy and immoral. If they had been super strict a nutcase like her would probably be stripping in Vegas by now. Oh, and she probably has a martyr complex being married to a narcissist like

Well Merry Christmas Ladyheatherlee!! I am sending you festive vibes from England!

Oh no! Are you a British transplant to Oz, by any chance..? There is always skype!

Urrrghhh, this actually made my skin crawl...

I think this is pretty simple. He's a hot blond. End of.

Oooh, lovely!!! Thanks so much :-)

Awwww, they are so cuuuutee!!! Honestly, I love the fact that we live in a world where men can get all pretty-wetty like that. I'm melting.

OMG, where IS that?? Pls tell, am going to Paris for my bday soon.

Haiii Sita! Haven't seen u around here before. But for the punch gif you have my unswerving devotion.

They are FABULOUS!!