I found a transcript of that moment from inside Pelosi's head:
I found a transcript of that moment from inside Pelosi's head:
Being healthy is simple, right? "Eat less, move more." That's easy to say, but practicality is one of the most…
I thought the moral of the story was be white and attractive all you'll have all the monies and people will like you.
Brilliant. Now, how do we get them to read/recognize themselves? And dudes, nothings is more repulsive than waving your fiscal dick around. Any woman who cares, you do not want.
Whoever figures out how to screen for these assholes on a dating site (maybe some type of super-intelligent, "oh god is it Skynet?" level of screening algorithm) is going to make a trillion dollars.
Is it just me, or do all of these people sound the same?
Kinja has openly been shaming...
The male version of "Bye Felicia" isn't "Bye Felix"?
My college roommate liked to study topless. She definitely made me less inhibited (and now I work from home a lot and basically never wear a bra - I'm at the office today and I am wearing tights and a bra and I hate it).
It's ironic how the article mentions the so-called "Third Wave" of feminism and how Cosmo adapted, at an event so dominated by white women. They had Gabrielle Union. One woman of color, great. Good job. That is progress. *sarcasm*
We should probably stop asking white people questions about race, as we've proven over and over that about 90% of us are completely incapable of providing a non-racist and competent answer.
Seriously, is there a company that actively works to piss off its fans as much as Square Enix? What an awful thing to do.
Chris Pratt is basically a human yellow labrador. Adorable.
I do believe, based on instagram posts, that she is indeed, workin on her fitness.
If we didn't love the both already.
Did Retta lose some weight? Or is she just glowing in her own awesomeness?
I will redirect you to this quote from him, which I adore: ""Everytime I see a spotlight, there's this mode I snap into, and my inner superstar comes out!" Stay in that spotlight, Brendan! Enjoy your 15 minutes, you deserve it!
I love him so much
A pregnant woman in London deployed a total and devastating verbal smackdown on a group of anti-abortion protesters…
Nice conversation I had with a fella on the street this morning: