
An 11-year-old acting her age, yay!

Should I watch this show? Terry Crews seems awesome, but the show seems meh.

At first when you said "particularly choice excerpts", I was afraid you were being sarcastic and I was cringe-reading. And then I got very happy. Terry Crews for President.

Crews putting the patriarchy to bed.

I love his character on Brooklyn 9-9 precisely because he's the mix between huge buff strong guy and sweet gentle dad. Nobody on the show damns him from being a loving, dedicated father, either— they help him balance the roles as best as they can (given their own failures as people. )

I just think Terry Crews is the most delightful person, and that opinion is compounded every time I watch him in an interview. I even love the way they initially cast him in Brooklyn 99, which is as a sergeant who has to stop working in the field for a while because he gets panic attacks at the thought of dying and…

Rabid homosexual activists

I'm not surprised that Lorde weighed in on the topic. This sort of exhibitionism was frowned upon back when she was a teenager.

Farting contests. Lots of sex. Constant, constant, constant talking. Shared passions. Shared goals. Connect-the-dots, with freckles. Tag.

All about that Bass.... No Tribble?

I don't even know why, but I love The Rock. Maybe it's because WWE commercials played every 15 minutes during cartoons when I was kid. He just seems like a nice dude.

I was on vacation internationally on this tiny island and the staff was telling us to watch out for while snorkeling and stuff. Jelly fish, lion fish, rays and such. They asked if we knew what to do if we got stung. A fellow American's hand shot up, "YOU PEE ON IT!"

For what it's worth, I cured my cystic acne by drinking lots of water, eating lots of fruit and vegetables (also known as ending my shitty college days diet), and using alpha-hydroxy acids in peels and moisturizers. Took about 8 months.

I love that family more than I love my own.

"Gang banger" costumes by office workers: racist.

Ehhh...I'm black and always wanted my mother's eyes which are naturally amber (as are my aunt, uncle, and his sons). I only bring this up because POC's do have recessive genes just like white folks and we can naturally have lighter eyes than brown.