I have my masters in a STEM field (forensic biology) and worked in the industry for 7 years before quitting and shifting careers completely. The terrifying and extremely persistent offers on late-night scenes, comments in the lab, and straight-up harassment from police officers in the field meant that I had to be an…
Right. As if casting a person of color in these roles would be like casting an alien or something. As if human beings don’t share many, many of the same kinds of experiences or have the same desires.
Very good point. While open carry is the worst law ever, even if he had a real gun, there is nothing illegal about that. Except, black...
He said he yelled it three times. He is a liar.
Not to mention that Ohio is an open carry state. I know that because I unfortunately live here. Tamir’s murder, John Crawford’s murder for the same fucking thing, it’s so ridiculous and awful that it makes my stomach hurt.
In addition, there was not nearly enough time for an officer to yell “show me your hands” between the time the car door opened and when an officer opened fire.
Yeah, I don’t think your cry of “what about all the good things racists do” is really going to catch on, but it’s a cute attempt.
They’re just being obtuse. I’ve seen people say the same thing then go on to say something racially insensitive. It’s how they work.
ilu, lying cat
Yessss. I love you for bringing Saga into this.
I love lying cat.
We should all be giving a lot more praise than just “pretty cool.” All different kinds of body types, races, genders, even costume quality! What a great love letter to fans.
When I saw the headline, I was expecting lots and lots of “supermodel” body types. So yeah, very cool to see such a diverse representation of fans in their cosplay choices.
Really cool idea to show appreciattion of their fans and cosplayers. And Im incredibly pleased by how they were pretty cool and open with their choice of body types and genders.
He is dangerous. In one episode (the last one I watched) a young woman, high school maybe?... asked him how to handle a guy who would not stop calling her. His answer... “That’s a compliment! You should be flattered he keeps calling”... He is a dangerous man.
The whole point of the protest being aimed at white progressives at this point is to point out that white people aren’t entitled to ANYTHING from black people. Why is it so fucking difficult for white people to understand how condescending it is to think their ostensibly progressive politics inures them from issues of…
My sad, slow Iron and Wine-esque version of Drip Drop is going to catapult me to stardom.
Oh, I see. So we’re against anti-vaxxers but we’re all for little Cash infecting a robotics class with a vicious case of cooties? Hypocrites.