
Because one article on this wasn't enough?

Umm...she still looks Chinese. She just looks prettier Chinese.

My sister had a Mazda Miata and...yeah. That's pretty freakin' accurate, except that the "Old" description still applies.

What, so the little chalk figure can only be female if the description's of a female driver while the male chalk figure is unisex? Yeah, okay...

Wish I lived in a Waffle House zone.

Damn. Great legs.

You better damn well apologize. Dear god why...?!?!?!?!

God I miss old school Loveline. Never laughed so hard in my entire life then when listening to Adam Corolla's long-winded rants and the sexual dysfunctions of other people. Pre-douche Drew AND Corolla that's for sure.

Why not get a black woman to speak up on this matter? Or does Jezebel not have a black woman on staff? Because that says just as much as Tyler Perry's horrible films do.

"Is it worth it?"

It's not their fault. For you see, those autonomic verbal spew pumps at Fox & Friends, collectively, are capable of very few emotions and facial expressions. It befuddles their tinfoil minds to see anything other than the vacant stare of soullessness on anyone's face.

Sooo...shoot her in the gut? Because it stands to reason that a full-body suit has a purpose, REGARDLESS of gender...but I wouldn't expect the majority of drooling fanboys to understand that, even in this day and age...

No, the whole point of Christmas is to merge the Pagan celebration of Winter Solstice with the far-fetched story of Jesus's birth (a tale that came about by his followers, AFTER his death: think biblical fanfiction) in order to subvert the glorification of nature an make a profit gain.

But, see, what I don't understand about arguments like Pope Benedict's, is that it's based on the assumption that everyone believes in a god that happens to be the same god that also happens to dictate every part of our lives with his divinity.

Sensationalism trumping evidence. Go figure.

Visually stunning, in every aspect. End of story.

Thank you. I consider myself a considerably happy person all the time and still imagine that my usefulness as a human being is non-existent, that I am alone, forsaken, and a waste of space on a daily basis.

I think it stands to point out Romney's hypocrisy. For someone so hellbent on marginalizing the Federal Government, he sure does like using its money. As does Paul Ryan.

Anyone who took that statement for truth clearly doesn't know what a sociopath is. A sociopath is incapable of showing genuine emotion and all mimicry of emotion is a attempt to benefit from the reactions said emotions bring about. A sociopath is incapable of genuine sadness, but if he/she understands that expressing

I personally believe that this "hardwire" is simply a matter of social conditioning that has been ingrained in predominate culture, as I am currently objectifying men by perusing through my gay porn stash. Comparing penis sizes all the way, baby.