
Toilets flush? Wow!

MBA Mediocre But Arrogant.

No, the IOC isn't as blatant in its corruption and has better political connects to help with its lying.

It is partisan political activity because the GOP doesn't care about black people.

Tattoos are the work of the devil. Apparently

Hey Reich, stop only partially quoting Cruz or taking him out of context : the whole quote is below!

We all need to make sacrifices. I just hope you can live with yours

This not like having differing tastes in musicals or an (ex)friend of yours preferring the Star Wars prequels to the Force Awakens.

The far right hates immigrants, both the local (other European) and foreign ones, but are usually pro taxes, pro welfare (except for the immigrants). The ones here in Denmark are racist as hell, but want to increase the living wage, social welfare ( both of which are pretty good to start with) and increase taxes to

The dept of corrections won’t confirm where he is being held, but released a picture of him in custody

Money storage facility. Normal people call it a bank

You are being generous

At least a stoppes clock is right twice a Day

Maybe the bar, should have spent more time training its staff better?

Hobby Lobby, by buying Iraqi artifacts (mostly likely from isis), is just continuing its often stated goal of supporting fundamentalist religion.

I enjoy my ewoks with a bearnarise sauce

“there’s no evidence to support the perception he intended to create alarm”

It was to stop him from raping an murdering them everytime God popped into his head and told him too.