
...Well knock me over with a feather. I can safely say that I did not see that coming.

As a final "fuck you" to the NBA, Sterling plans on dying tomorrow.

Now playing

Why only a single $20 bill? That's not enough for pizza AND wings!

Normally it would just be the rim.

Star Wars is also so, so, sexless, though. There's maybe, what, six or seven people in the entire OT we can determine any sexual orientation for? And, unless I'm forgetting someone, just Anakin and Padme in the prequels. The galaxy could be 90% gay beyond that.

Being a space fantasy, Star Wars has always been preoccupied with the Jedi and the Force, but a series of books nominally based on the X-Wing games got away from that entirely by focusing on a fighter pilot group called Rogue Squadron and its military operations in the New Republic — the successor government to the

As opposed to what, the dark and gritty adventures of the living teddy-bears that we got in the 80's?

X Wing vs. Tie Fighter.

Finally, a David Stern mention. If anyone needs to be called out for enabling, it's that guy. Stern was more strict on dress codes than he ever was on Sterling, even after his inner Marge Schott became public knowledge. Stern should have shut Sterling down, years ago but he didn't and here the NBA is in 2014,

And here I thought Jordan didn't believe in putting tags on flimsy white material

At first, I was surprised by how incredibly level-headed she was through all of this. Then I realized how often she's had to touch his naked body and figured she's probably mastered the art of burying her emotions.

N64 has one of the WORST full catalogues on any Nintendo console. There's maybe 10 really good games and 3-4 great ones. Nostalgia glasses off people.

A woman is dead and has grieving family and friends, so I don't want to snark, but goddamn do I want to snark.

Honestly, thank god the truck driver wasn't injured. That's all I have to say.

As with anything involving Stephenson and Turner, less than 40% of the shots actually connected.

Redemption doesn't mean pretending it didn't happen. Redemption is the fact that he's no longer in jail and is playing Major League Baseball. Redemption doesn't mean that people don't have the right to talk about it, and it certainly doesn't mean that somebody has the right to dictate whether other people talk about

The idea that someone like Richard Sherman becomes a national villain for being rude to other players and guys who have ACTUALLY COMMITTED SERIOUS CRIMES WITH VICTIMS become redemption stories is so goddamn ridiculous.

no jokes here everyone rape is terrible crime

The problem with the people that keep pointing out Lueke's history is that it ignores the possibility for redemption despite a checkered past. People make mistakes and they grow as a result of it. Yes, it's an ugly truth. Nobody is going to deny it. But the fact remains: many people have gone on from being members of

But if we get self-righteous about real crimes like rape (Lueke), domestic abuse (K-Rod, Milton Bradley), drunk driving (LaRussa), fraud (Dykstra), etc., then we won't be able to be sanctimonious towards PED users and we're not giving that up. - Baseball Writers' Association of America