
This just in: the combine is a terrible way to gauge how good of a football player a recruit will be.

Oden has a large penis.

Looks like it's a Tyler Perry remake of Weekend at Bernie's called, Weekend at Bernice's.

Fuck the IOC.

If Skyrim is a soulless monstrosity then I'm on team Yog-Sothoth.

People who care about the TRUTH.

I hate it when my mech blows up. They should take that part of the game out.

This is terrible. The reduced frame rate seems to have turned everyone's singlets into t-shirts.

I make 36k a year and my neck hurts and i hate my family

Barry Bonds had a lot of cap space

That was nice of Dwight Howard.

Give me a break. If he didn't want to get bullied for his rip-off ap (and yes it was a rip-off of at least three older titles), he could have just gone dark online. It's not hard to ignore e-mails, twitter, fb spam, etc.

Hell if I was making 50k a day doing nothing but sitting around dealing with angry anonymous

I'm sure Nguyen is all broken up about it tho.

I actually thinking that fixing George Zimmerman would be a fitting and socially-beneficial punishment.

Really sounding to me like steverobertson is gunning for Top Three Most Hated Guys in Washington status. Which of the flack shops do you think is paying him to troll this thread? I'm leaning George Allen, since he's the least articulate.

Right, "As a catholic I could be offended by the saints, right?!"
No because in the history of the world, and more specifically 2014 America no one has EVER been offended by being called a saint. You could claim their co-opting Christian imagery, but again it would have to be in a negative light (think Chief Wa-hoo).

Ya, but you know what? He'd trade it all to be a little taller.

Judo is fucking gay

Ah, so you support racism. Got it.