I wouldn’t consider Eric Trump an “alpha personality.” More like American Psycho
I wouldn’t consider Eric Trump an “alpha personality.” More like American Psycho
According to Eric Trump, this is the type of “locker room banter,” which happens when “alpha personalities are in the same presence.” I wish I was joking.
True it does help with his base. But Trump needs more than the base to win the election. He needs college educated voters and independents. Bringing up the Bill Clinton stuff won’t win him those voters. It’s clear that Trump’s running a Breitbart campaign for the next 30 days, perhaps recognizing he will lose.
Jared is very much behind the awful strategies of the campaign. For example, last night Jared and Steve Bannon wanted Bill Clinton’s accusers to sit in the VIP box so that they could confront Bill.
I couldn’t believe that was their initial reaction. The first 30 minutes of the debate (which really are all that matter) were a complete disaster for Trump. He offered no sincere apology for the video, then decided to bring up Bill’s infidelities (which is going to backfire on him), and then decided to hover behind…
This has become a race to the bottom. It’s shameful that Trump would trivialize the issue of sexual assault like this.
Especially since this story overshadowed the Wikileaks release of email (which prove she to me that assange is a pawn for Russia), I’m sure the Clinton campaign is very happy right now
Never. The only good thing to come out of this election are the Super Deluxe videos
At first, I thought Trump was just trying to lower the bar for himself, but I genuinely believe that he doesn’t have the attention span to actually prepare for a debate.
I could swear that both he and his sister were in a documentary from the 90s/early 2000s about growing up rich. He was completely pompous, and she was much more reserved.
But more importantly could veterans handle Rosie O’Donnell?
It’s also political in this instance. He is trying to remain relevant and I think he’s aiming for some sort of role in a Trump administration. I think it’s bad politics (as it was in the 1990s) because it’s completely tone deaf and hypocritical.
Newt’s also very self unaware. He regularly attacks people for infidelities (like Bill Clinton in the 1990s), when he cheated on at least two wives-- both of whom were sick. Him talking about a woman gaining weight fits that pattern. Newt is apparently unaware that he looks like porky pig
Exactly. Why is he calling women “Miss Piggy” when he’s fat, bald, and ridiculously ugly?
She is so awful. Boris Epshteyn is the worst, but Kayleigh is a close runner up.
I can’t take these conspiracy theories anymore, particularly when the opponent is a lunatic and a fraud.
Plus, she was actually asked specific questions about Florida in that interview and she answered them thoughtfully. Trump would never be asked specific questions. It infuriates me that he is graded on a curve.
I was too distracted by Trump’s sons who look like serial killers. My guess is Melania freaks out if she gets called grandma, which explains the awful work she had done on her face.
That’s better than some of the things I’ve heard, such as “let’s make babies” -_-