It’s funny—I know that bottomless brunch exists, but I guess it must be more common that I think it is? I feel like it’s mostly for people who also have money but live in, like, Murray Hill or the Financial District or something.
It’s funny—I know that bottomless brunch exists, but I guess it must be more common that I think it is? I feel like it’s mostly for people who also have money but live in, like, Murray Hill or the Financial District or something.
This is so true. I’ve lived in New York for 8 years now, and sometimes I legitimately forget that some people DO live on beautiful side streets in the West Village and spend all their time at pretty/fancy/nice establishments. They’re an extreme minority, of course, but “fantasy New York” very much exists for the very…
See, I’d have more faith in this reason if it were actually true that the elected officials people say this about spent all—or even most—of their time talking about things most people can’t relate to. But the current climate in this country seems to be “if they say/do/like anything that threatens me and makes me feel…
If your “trying” is more likely to result in the deaths of other innocent people than it is to actually halt or prevent the event? Kind of.
This is the crux of the “good guy with a gun” issue, to me. These people are deeply invested in the Rambo fantasies in their minds, in which they—people who have often never fired a gun under actual stress—will magically be capable of defending themselves and others as if they’ve just undergone, like, extensive…
Men are allowed to show emotion—specifically, men are allowed to show emotions that are discouraged in women. Anger is a big one. We just don’t code the ways men are encouraged to express feelings as “emotional.”
I do. I understand that this article is about a woman, and that in fact we call them “women’s prisons”, not “female prisons,” or “prisons of the ladybits.” I see no reason not to segregate prisons based on gender, rather than genitalia. We don’t have to agree on that, but given the fact that you’re all over here…
Did you read the comments to which I was replying when I said those things? They make the context of the conversation pretty clear.
Nope—nowhere did I say that. I’m totally on board with a woman being placed in a women’s prison, and perfectly OK with women’s prisons existing. Those people who don’t understand the difference between gender and sex? It seems like you might be one of them, if you think that’s what I’m arguing.
Well, presumably because too many of us still don’t understand the difference between sex and gender.
Why? I would think that being realistic about what makes both of you happy/well-rested is exactly the kind of kindness and consideration that indicates a high level of intimacy between two people.
I think part of what makes this tough is that a lot of people make the mistake of thinking almost everybody of the opposite sex is into their partner. It makes sense—we chose them! They’re the greatest! Add that bias to the fact that a lot of people are more jealous than they like to admit at their core, and it can…
Given that his whole outlook screams, “now that I have one of my own, I don’t have to pretend women are interesting people/company,” I’m guessing he doesn’t.
“What works best for you, specifically” is not automatically a synonym for “common sense.” Do you, like, pay attention to the world around you? It’s full of other people who are different from you.
She sounds annoying. Still doesn’t say anything about single people, overarchingly. It says that she sucks. Do you attribute bad characteristics of individuals you happen to know to, like, all groups of humans that are different from you?
Does this apply to lady friends he had before you guys were together (like, close friends)? Not snarking, just curious as to whether it’s an “any woman” thing or a “woman you don’t know very well” thing.
This is really, really gross. You can’t handle this particular person, who sounds annoying, but “single people” are so far from a monolith. Not everyone who is single is obsessively dating, and even those who are aren’t all incapable of doing so without drama. How does someone talking too much for your liking, about…