
He might not have moved stuff with his mind, but he did move....our hearts.

“I make the best discoveries, the best. Those other scientists are losers. I’ve never even heard of them.”

Needless to say, we were one of many outlets to report on this yesterday, and we were wrong (at least if the experts are to be believed, and they certainly have a strong case). Though I’m still waiting to hear from the teen and those who helped him with this analysis, they appear to have made the same mistake I did,

Science is a self-correcting process.

He didn’t make a significant find though. He found a corn field.

That’s largely due to the fact that everybody, including the media, has taken this story and run with it. “LOL Stupid archeologists couldn’t figure out what a kid in Canada did!”

They have every right to shut this down, and they’re not being rude, they’re being factual and academic. This entire story has been riding on

Ok, everyone say their Maya culpas and move on.

Because this isn’t how science works. While it’s great the kid is interested and tried to do some work, this ISN’T doing science and shouldn’t be presented as such. You can’t just come up with an idea and limited evidence, declare a press conference and present it all as science. It isn’t. This kid’s work was never

The quality of work he produces is good work and highly valued. Like I said earlier his personal Facebook post was directed at his friends many of whom are Mayanists or archaeologists and many who aren’t but have some knowledge on the matter. Gizmodo took a snapshot from his facebook page. Scientists don’t run from

I really hope that everyone getting super excited and hoping to throw money at this kid reads the update. I’m not saying nothing is there, but there is a real issue when people who actually aren’t trained in archaeology do this kind of thing - they see patterns where there aren’t any and tend to ignore evidence that

David was the original fifteen year old to figure something out (he was and still is the youngest person to receive the MacArthur Genius Fellowship grant). I happen to know David and he is not the jealous type, but he does know his stuff including a familiarity with geophysics. He and others in archaeology know that

Bing Birds Eye view shows some kind of road, or ultralight aircraft runway on site.

Sorry Kid but this is a weak correlative mess. Maya did not plot cities according to constellations (there are plenty of data and surveys that document site placements and settlement patterns throughout mesoamerica). Maya sites are Everywhere (just like stars, and the constellations they used are not the same ones we

Very cool, I really hope this turns out because it would be such a spectacular find.

My prof once found a lost Mayan city by asking Mayans for directions. They didn't realize it was supposed to be lost.