
A pyramid like that would pop out of the landscape. The proposed structures from the satellite photographs appear as depressions in the vegetation. Basically we’d expect there to be a hill that may or may not be rounded, and would look pretty natural if no limestone would be exposed from the vegetation.

Dude, there is no “ancient city”. Just fallowed corn fields. The idea of there being any kind of structures present were due to the over-enthusiasm of a geophysicist (not an archaeologist), the people at the Canadian space agency (also not archaeologists), and the kid himself.

Apparently everyone is looking over the

“Being a total dick”
No. Just No. Dr. Stuart’s post was originally private until, by the popular demand of his colleagues, it was made public.

That and the fact that some of the forms are clearings on earlier satellite images, or simply did not exist until after these earlier images, as is the case of the second rectangle in the first image on the top.

There were no structures to begin with. Many of the supposed structures turn out to be clearings in earlier satellite photos that have since regrown. In more recent, the regrowth is complete to the point where the geometric structures disappear. The fact of the matter is that this is recent human occupation, present

A limestone structure would light up like a christmas tree in true color, especially against the green surrounding area.

Considering the proximity of the supposed site to el Mirador and Calakmul, due diligence has likely been done by local archaeologists.

The aforementioned area.

I would suggest looking at the 1970 photograph on google earth for the coordiates 17.943908°, -90.166969. It’s a clearing in 1970. The current form is clearly regrowth in that area.

And that’s why you always have to control for changes in land use.