
The fact that h.264 is an interframe codec makes it bad for editing in the first place. It takes much more processing power to play than intraframe codecs (such as ProRes or Avid MXF) and that will slow your editing down immensely. That's why most NLEs didn't natively support h.264 for a long time, and even though

I previously had the last version of iBooks on my JB'd iPhone 4 on ios5.0. I did the iBooks fix where you copy the app using iFile, and paste it un the non-sandboxed area. That fix doesn't seem to have worked for iBooks 1.5. Anyone else getting iBooks to work on ios5 without using sn0wbreeze?

VOTE: Avid Media Composer. But this is what I do for a living, so I'm a bit biased. For do-it-at-homers, Avid does offer a fully functioning 30-day trial and learning how to use should be no harder than learning any other NLE software. My second choice: FCP7. It's also pretty great, but I like Avid better because

Ah, well that will do it for me too. I'm on the same version of bitesms. Thanks for the update.

@blackout: Did you have to go in and SSH that file out like it says in the article? I want to install it, but their servers must have gotten overloaded. I can't install the app, nor can I see the website, so I'm just curious for all the info I can get in the mean time.

@Terracio: only reboot. and with semi-teather you don't have to worry about losing much in an emergency.

I was on the fence, but gave in well over a month ago. I don't think I've had to reboot my phone since (except when it ran out of battery once). I tested the semi-teather and it worked great. I've had a few crashes that resulted in restprings (which still keep the jailbreak), but no reboots (knock on wood).

This all depends on many factors. As far as renting vs paying a mortgage...It always sounds much better to put that money towards a mortgage instead of "throwing it away" while renting. But in a situation like mine, in a city like Chicago, it's actually cheaper for me to pay rent on the apartment that I currently

Not sure if I'm missing something here. But my workflow is: (1) obtain non-DRM'd epub, (2) drag into iTunes and sync. As far as I know, there's no need for Calibre to just import a non-DRM'd book into iTunes and iBooks. Is there a reason that you are using Calibre? Just wondering if there are any benefits that I'm

In all truth, I'm actually glad we got the 4S. It seems to work out well with the crappy 2-yr contracts that the horrible phone companies force on us. There are people like me who are early adopters, and want the newest thing right now. And people who like to wait until the kinks are worked out. Those two groups

I thought that too, but after a while I gave in and tried semiteathered, knowing that if it didn't work properly, I would only have to live with a non-jailbroken phone until the unteathered jb came out. So far (knock on wood) I haven't had any problems. Actually I feel like my phone is much more stable than when I

I was also gonna recommend this. SMS GV Extension + Bite SMS (and now iMessage) is the best. Maybe with GV and iMessage and now Republic wireless, one day the carriers won't be able to take advantage of everyone with outrageous [gizmodo.com] text rates.

Thats what I was thinking. The umbrellas are barely moving, especially the little flap thats used to hold the umbrella closed. I'm no airline pilot, but I've flown a Cessna and have at least a basic knowledge of this stuff. I am, however in the film business, and I know that the crappy microphone on that camera

I understand the physics / science / etc. behind this. But I find it hard to believe that there is a 100-200 mph wind in that video (the stall speed of an A330 is around 140mph according to a quick google search) that isn't blowing those umbrellas around much more, or causing much more wind distortion in the

I tried this last night (fireBreak is already in Cydia) and it still needs some fine tuning. None of the shots looked even remotely good regardless of if I moved slowly or quickly, or how I rotated the phone etc. They're all very patchy and segmented. I'm sure it will be better when it officially comes out.

No, because Verizon and AT&T don't route your calls and texts through wifi if it is available. They still charge you for minutes and texts, even if you have a nice wifi connection right there waiting. Basically this Republic plan will do for your calls and texts what your AT&T or Verizon plan does for your "data"

That's incorrect. The plan is "unlimited". the 550m/150t/300mb number is an example of what they consider "fair usage" of 3G. On Republic's website, they cite that number saying that even if you went the whole month without any WiFi, you could use that much data and still be considered to be in "fair use". You're

Exactly... For instance, FCP 7 doesn't take advantage of all of the cores that you can get in a mac pro tower since it is only 32 bit, so updating is pretty much useless. FCPX does take advantage of all those cores, which is cool...but FCPX really, really sucks as an editing program and is therefore useless in its

I had one in my '97 Grand Prix GTP. Just finally had to get rid of that car about a year ago. It took me a while to stop squinting through the glass every once in a while looking for the HUD. I don't understand why every car doesn't have them by now. Not a necessity, but damn convenient, and like you said - once

I thought this sounded too good to be true. $50/month including unlimited data and text, etc. Then I read the fine print and it says that you have to live in TN,FL,or AL to sign up, and that 50% of your usage must be in those areas. That wont work for me in Chicago. Guess I'm stuck with the expensive guys.