What About the Wee Bairn

As a fellow single person, I can't help but think of this bit from Peep Show every time I see a stupidly adorable couple:

As much as I love Pamela Adlon, I've been slightly lukewarm on Better Things all season (probably as a result of my state of mind watching the show, not the show itself), but this episode absolutely won me over, starting with the second segment.

Last night, I tried to watch some dumb shows saved on my DVR to take my mind off stuff… before realizing that the shows were at least a week old and laden with election-related ads. The Hillary for America ones that had previously filled me with hope were super painful. Thank goodness for fast-forwarding.

Or, according to my Trump-supporting former co-worker, Porkacheese.

Oh, it'll be hilarious to see how they try and cut the special ComiCon trailer without showing any of the main characters. Maybe it will just be 90 seconds of Judith hanging out with Gabriel.

What disappoints me most (besides everything) is that I'll inevitably accidentally stumble upon a spoiler in the next few months that reveals who is or isn't on set, thereby spoiling what little interest I have left regarding the outcome of tonight's events.

Yeah, my biggest "really?" moment (and "guffaw-out-loud moment") came at Rick saying, "I don't take chances anymore" . . . while half of his people are out stumbling through the countryside, leaving Alexandria to be defended by a pregnant lady, some kids, Abraham, and a doofus that hurt his hand building a fort or

A few months ago, I had to leave my full shopping cart behind after our Walmart caught on fire. I kicked myself all the way home for not being just a liiiiiittle more prudent with my shopping speed. If I had a van o' goods in a time of zombies and near-starvation, a lovely drive through the countryside would have been

Not only a low IQ, but (during the first case) he's described as having such poor personal hygiene that he's ordered to shower each time he goes to jail. Yet that same man is later capable of an impeccable cleaning job? Oooookay.

Thank you and thank you! And please, for the sake of my big girl-crush on Shirley Manson, have a wonderful time seeing Garbage :)

Hooray, I've finally caught one of these early enough to participate!
-My Thursday class (and only class) was cancelled, so now I'll have more time to get ahead on schoolwork (or, more than likely, watch a lot of Netflix and Youtube)
-Last week, I gave up on trying to work my way up from jogging to running and am now

I'm really not one to heavily critique this show cause…. it's a zombie soap opera, but jesus god why did Annie use her bullets on the zombies and not herself?!?

Damn, that was an unexpectedly therapeutic read. I've tried driving around empty parking lots twice in the 3 years I've had my learner's permit, but it gave me bad stimulation overload and anxiety. To be an adult without that sense of autonomy (in a town without public transport, no less), combined with the shame of

Dicking around in the ruins of civilization was earned by Darryl and Beth, not by these two knuckleheads.

I thought it was a fine 90 minutes and will probably enjoy the rest of the season. However, being unable to ignore the fact that Frank Dillante reminds me of Will Friedle, I enjoyed and will continue to enjoy the subplot I am writing in my head in which Eric Matthews must navigate a zombie apocalypse.

Having missed the first five minutes of the show (and Alex's explanation about his voice), the redub was downright chilling! I think I spent most of the show trying to figure out if it was something with my tv's speakers, or if he had always talked like that and I was going crazy.

If I didn't have to see her at a family reunion next month, I would not have been able to resist responding to her post (and probably in all caps). As it is now, I'll be lucky if I can sit through our family dinners without verbal diarrheaing all my pent up snark.

I thought so too….and then my sister-in-law posted on Facebook (in all seriousness!) that Trump's success as a businessman makes him a worthy presidential contender. I couldn't find the energy to list all of the ways her statement was wrong, so instead I inwardly wept.

When Piper started to walk out of Stella's bunk, I really thought the show had pulled a fake-out and the guards were actually there to punish Piper for her underwear business or something. And oh, how disappointed I was when it didn't unfold like that. I'm really keeping my fingers crossed for some Season 4

Not that the other veteran guards are terrible (except for Healy), but Donaldson strikes me as being the most humane. His scene last year with Daya was great. I also liked in this episode, as Sophia was about to be escorted to SHU, he referred to her as "honey." It could have easily come off as patronizing, but it