What About the Wee Bairn

I'm not going to be able to say anything about the finale that hasn't been said already, but a big thanks to Todd, Sonia, and John for all of the insightful reviews. Last year when I started playing catch-up with Mad Men, I'd instantly come here after watching each episode (and sometimes during the episode) to read up

Oh, the thought of little Gene being motherless makes me too sad. Damn these fictional people making me feel things!

I never ever would have guessed that in these last episodes, Betty would be the first one to make be cry. Her speech about learning to realize when things are over broke my heart.

Ooh boy. Have you tried yelling "Potato Face!" at the TV every time Chris O'Donnell appears? It's fun for everyone!

Oh yes! And to complete the shit trifecta, she also likes NCIS. To be fair, I've successfully introduced her to Mad Men and Breaking Bad, though perhaps that makes her other tastes all the more baffling…

Only ones without the impossible task of juggling child-rearing and crime solving.

My mother loves it as well. She reviewed it thusly, "I love it cause she's a cop, but she wears tennis shoes!" Lord help me.

Ha! Okay, story time.

There really haven't been many TWD plot-lines that I've hated, but the Rick/Jessie thing… I hate it. I got a glimmer of hope when Jessie closed the garage door in Rick's face that perhaps she wouldn't be relegated to the damsel in distress and the storyline would veer in an unexpected direction*, but of course not. It

Between the back-to-back shitty gay jokes and the announcement of Bridgit Mendler….excuse me, POP STAR Bridgit Mendler's addition to the cast as if it's some kind of boon to the show, those 6 seconds elicit more anger and bafflement from me than I thought was humanly possible.

Me too. And I suppose in the grand scheme of things it's kind of dumb and meaningless, but it makes me happy to see Harris' name trending on
Twitter and FB. It feels as if I've lost a friend, but it's comforting to see how many other people are mourning in this weird, 21st century way that we grieve now.

I'm really going to miss listening to his nonsense. His "It's good, it's funky!" and the UTU2TM bit about roofs have been my favorite go-to quick pick-me-up clips these last few months.I feel so sad for his friends, family, and the comedy community.

I quite liked the scenes in the car, how their faces glowed against the pitch black. It had an almost eerie effect.

Carol and Daryl's friendship is my favorite part of the show too. I certainly enjoy the other characters/storylines, but I always look forward to getting back to their dynamic. I also have a sinking feeling that Carol isn't going to survive the season and I really, really don't know how my heart will handle that.

Me too. It's hard to comprehend that the force behind Mrs. Doubtfire, a movie I watched repeatedly and that is so wrapped up in my childhood nostalgia, is gone. Damn.

It pains me to write this cause I think Rectify is typically flawless, but the post-dinner scenes with Jared cracked me up and momentarily took me out of the show. I mean, first he comes home and has totally missed out on the family steak-fest, but then he gets to Ted Jr's house just as they're finishing their dinner.

The rigged lottery scene definitely seems too great to not be fictionalized, but it did happen that way.

Thanks for doing these reviews, Todd! I'd thought about re-watching the series from beginning to end for years, but I'd put it off (mainly because I didn't want to sit through the emotional one-two punch of Bastogne/The Breaking Point again). The discussions on here reminded me how much I love B.O.B., so much so that

2 hours later and that scene with Pamela still has me unsettled. It was the first time I've watched the show and not only NOT rooted for Louie, but plain disliked him. I even panicked for a split second just how far he was going to take it. That said, it makes me like Louis CK even more for even taking his fictional

Wonderful! I hope you find it worth your money!