
I think we can have this “band-aid” that may save lives and still continue the conversation of accessible birth control and abortion. They aren't getting postnatal care if they dump the baby in a bin either.

and wait

Oh god, Phyllis. And you just KNOW she’s going to make some kind of comment on the wine selection. Some of us PREFER a Gewurztraminer to your fucking Sauv Blanc, Phyllis.

I love him. He is the definition of giving no fucks.

Not an unreasonable assumption that the woman in front of him is is wife? Perhaps they took the grandkids as some kind of treat.

It’s just the way of conservatives acting like a fetus, which is a clump of cells with no idea of its existence, is the same thing as a woman. Whether that be a teenaged woman or a 46 year old. The fact that there are people fighting for the rights of a cluster of cells that resembles a human, but can’t accept that a

I actually think that this is an intentionally vague law so that there would be room to prosecute the doctors (and possibly the patients) for “violations”.

Oh, for fuck’s sake.

They’re out there, man! And when they’re done getting their jollies at Target bathrooms, they go right down to the polling booth to commit voter fraud.

This is terrible I read about it earlier and I feel like especially in this case it has a lot to do with race. Black women are constantly told we need to protect our black brothers and that is fine and dandy until a girl gets raped and then is told to protect her attacker because she shouldn’t want to put a black man

Too many people are comfortable in the idea that he will never be president because people wont vote for him. Just like too many people were confident he would bomb in the primaries because people wouldn’t vote for him.

Holy shit...

I actually had to completely reevaluate a friendship yesterday because I was texting my friend and she literally said “I think trump can do great things for white people and I support him” it genuinely threw me for a loop

I used to work at Flour and let me tell you Joanne Chang is the most amazing person I’ve ever worked for. She knows all her employees names and makes a point to say hello to everyone when she visits. (She owns 5 bakeries and a restaurant so that's a lot of people) During the Boston Bomber Manhunt her bakeries had to

I’m probably the one person in America who can identify Rita Ora on sight, but I did not recognize her in this hair/makeup combo. I saw the photos and said out loud“Who is this?” When I found out it was Rita Ora I almost died.

Poor Rita.

Poor Bey! In her head she was probably like...?

If you want guys wearing off the wall outfits, NBA and NFL drafts are where it’s at.

ahahahhaha I love this so much