
As an biracial person, 100% of my relationships are interracial.

Interracial gay relationshiper here. I forget I’m in an interracial relationship 99% of the time. Am I alone in this? Also, I have a few dozen button-down shirts from Old Navy, for casual workdays. Old Navy has become better than their strict sibling, Banana Republic.

Can I chime in on this MIL vent? I currently have a 4 month old and breastfeed. I don’t nurse in front of her but I think she is SO resentful of me breastfeeding! She thinks I’m hogging the baby and not allowing her or FIL bond. She’s mad that she can’t feed him. And she’s jealous that he is clearly bonded to me the

A warning. If you notallmen me I’ll dismiss you so don’t even bother.

There was an article in the New York Times a few weeks ago (also on a Saturday) about a young woman in the Bronx killed by her ex-husband with a knife with their two kids in the apartment. In the article they mentioned that the Bronx has a high incidence of domestic violence homicides. THIS is the danger American

National Domestic Violence Hotline 1 800 799 7233

I would have ostentatiously popped out a boob whenever I saw her. Whether the baby wanted to nurse or not. Honestly I think you made her feel inadequate as a mother. My mother feels guilty about not nursing even though it just wasn’t possible for her.

My Mother-in-Law acted like I was whipping out a dildo and going to town whenever I nursed, it was so fucking awful. My husband tried to repeatedly talk to her, she said she just wasn’t comfortable since she didn’t nurse her kids and could I just not understand HOW THAT MADE HER FEEL??

I’ve heard that you can bring your kids under 12 in with you. So you’ll probably need a birth certificate for them in case your son happens to be big for his age or something. Also that’s perfect because your 13-year-old can go meet Dennis Hastert in the men’s room all by himself, right?

I am a straight, cis-female with severe polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which has the effect of giving me a full face of dark facial hair. I am also unfortunate enough to live in NC. On the way to get my face waxed 2 weeks ago, I stopped in a DSW to look at shoes for my upcoming wedding (to a man, which I am not).

And that’s some horrible advertising for your clothes. I certainly would never buy that outfit. If she doesn’t look good in it, nobody will.

Right? I mean, when a thin, athletic woman looks weird in shorts, there is something wrong. It gives her some strange shape that makes no sense when you look at the size of her legs.



Oh yes. Cathy buys boy dancers and buys choreographers way over her league just for her vendetta against ALDC.

Poor Nia.

I’ve seen and really don’t get this argument. My last name has been my last name from birth. Just like it was my father’s last name from birth. Is it more “his” last name than mine because he’s a man? Or because he’s older? It’s not “my father’s name”—it’s a whole bunch of “Keyser’s” (men and women) names. Including

...good for blowing your load AND loading your blow.