
Did you read about the other evidence the jury saw?

Nah, its pretty clear from the evidence that they got him and this was a bullshit hail mary defense.

It really wasnt, Naomi left out a ton.

I have a rule in my life, if I ever disagree with a juries decision I always use our open and conspicuous legal system to find out what they knew.

There is seriously a ton of evidence on him that she doesnt mention at all above.

The biggest threat to public safety is white males with guns, and more white males with more guns doesn’t make us safer.

Too bad you aren’t required to have a license to own, buy, or operate a firearm and that you don’t have to register and insure your guns.

let’s consult what the actual science says about the relationship between violence and mental illness:

Yeah, this will go over worse than gun control in the right wing community.

Congratulations, this article is a great example of intentional, one might even say malicious, misleading of others.

We have an unhinged nutjob. He’s in the WH.

It is no better than any other nation has.

More like “Yay! we solved a problem that didnt really exist for us!

You are really selling your idea that Trump is a foreign agent under the control of Putin and not just an unhinged nutjob, lol.

I asked you a yes or no question.

Wow, I guess you really think Trump is a greatly controlled foreign agent of Putin, how... special.

The NRA is literally taking that approach. Mitch McConnell - among others - is literally taking that approach. I’m not accusing you, or even most gun owners, of taking that approach, but it’s naive to think “literally nobody” is taking that approach.

Ah yes, the great genocidal method of “Caring and feeding people until they decide to abandon their asylum claim, or it gets process”

The same people who gave the English, the Spaniards, the Arabs, the Inca, etc, permissions to control land.