So, your theory is that Trump is actually a really good secret agent who has been in deep cover for years?
So, your theory is that Trump is actually a really good secret agent who has been in deep cover for years?
A competent evil regime would have put this rule change into effect BEFORE breaking the law.
Which is easily exploitable, because the courts are already playing hide-and-go-fuck with asylum seekers, resulting their ‘court cases’ never actually going to court. So this is simply a move to permanently imprison people who have committed no crimes...and their children.
They are trying, they just suck at it.
The point is to block access to the magnets drawing people here.
Overheard at gitmo: Man, why do these guys keep showing up, we keep telling them to fuck off and deporting them, we keep telling them they can just leave anytime they want, but they absolutely refuse. I dont get it.
Just become a foster family, help any kid in need, there is plenty of need for it.
Excellent, keeping families together ftw!
The funny part is that people like you are so misinformed that you dont realize that the “assault rifle” that civilians get is not an automatic weapon.
Why would they be.
In a way, adding a cosplay element kind of makes a roundabout point about why the Straight Pride event isn’t necessary.
What is amusing is that both sides make the same claim.
Ah, so there you go.
A couple of thousand?
Republicans keep saying it’s mental illness. So, ok, what are you doing to help people with mental illness, then?
I am down with that.
The NRA/gun lobby is a bit player in lobbying. It isnt their money that drives the issue.
1. Trump overturned the restrictions Obama placed on people with mental illnesses buying firearms.
His last name is Lin.