Oh of course, it’s not all “premium” products, usually more common in “lower end” product like my toilet cleaner example. Its certainly not the case 100% of the time.
Oh of course, it’s not all “premium” products, usually more common in “lower end” product like my toilet cleaner example. Its certainly not the case 100% of the time.
Since 1970 or so, the major problem — and Google “imperial Presidency” if you want more on this — has been that neither party has incentive to hem in the power of the Presidency. If we can defeat Nixon/Ford/Carter/Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama/Trump in the next Presidential election, then why would we assert…
All it does is release a magnet thats holding the door open. Its a pretty common and inexpensive feature so I’d think all the female execs had it, unless sexism was rampant but it isnt some sort of creep feature
Yeah, but at least they have electricity, water and no fires. So the lifespan you do get is quite enjoyable.
When people are called Nazi for voting Trump or not being left wing, yeah, that not only destroys the meaning of the word Nazi but makes the people being called it just tune out the slur-throwers.
You’ve stated that witty retort a few times. Why don’t you sit a few plays out chief.
People in certain circles of the government used to say about Mujahedin in Afghanistan, who later became Al Qaeda, that giving them stinger missiles was pointless because they were barbaric primitives and religious fanatics who still lived like it was the dark ages. Then Russian helicopters started falling out of the…
so you do not work huh?
I mean, things have been ugly already. We’ve got Trumpers ramming cars into protesters and we have Antifa beating the fuck out of random people.
“I'm pretty certain I'm having a stroke but I HAVE to get this post up on splinter before I call 911."
When Richard Nixon took office at the end of the 1960's a plan had already been formed by the Republicans - who were mostly Klan-democrats who decided to join up and move the Republicans to the right. The question was how to put minorities and liberals “back into their place.” The war on drugs began to take shape…
> About 90% of them are 60 years old
How can we go on with this prosperous economy and high standards of living?
De-escalate violent rhetoric. Emphasize shared values with people who disagree with you.
Pssshhh....if HamNo believed 10% of this he’d be stockpiling firearms and be calling for like minded individuals to arm themselves in preparation for the violence he describes as inevitable.
On the other hand society is a construct and exists because we all agree upon it and go about our days abiding by agreed upon rules. Most people are not insane and don’t wish to hurt people even if they have fucked up ideas. Some people are extra unhinged and sometimes things escalate, but even in war torn nations…
If you are so worried, perhaps you should buy a firearm and learn to use it.
1. There’s no mechanism for Trump to use to keep a hold on the Oval Office if he decides to stay. The Secret Service will just politely ask him to leave, then less politely ask him to leave. Stop panicking.
While I like to joke, I know Trump voters who were heavily armed military veterans. Not all of these chuckle fucks are chicken shit militia cosplayers.