You could build an entire house out of all that straw.
You could build an entire house out of all that straw.
“Practice your attitude” = “Women and black people should remember how to speak when talking to their betters.”
I’m a white from the south and grew up eating these things too. In fact we were not well off and I have fond memories of sitting on my grandpas porch eating watermelon and spitting the seeds. But surely you understand that what is perfectly acceptable for us is viewed as a negative when used as a stereotype against…
Isn’t this the case with almost all outlet stores at this point? When there were a lot less outlet locations, you’d find last season’s clothing and items with small defects. Now most just make stuff directly for the outlet. BR/Gap literally put 3 diamonds under their logo on the tags of clothes made specifically for…
I assume their thinking is that they don’t want to start a precedent of employees digging through all of the store’s trash looking for cans and bottles to recycle. I can kind of sort of see that making sense, but firing someone over it (especially an ex-convict with very limited job opportunities) is the straight-up…
You win for Best Comeback.
I starred this, but not because I approve of your mom’s behavior.
“You are the fattest person I’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting.” -Mom
“My statement was intended to be respectful, measured, and moderate in tone and substance.”
Oooh, the famous “what happened” instead of “what my husband did.” The passive voice is a staple of this genre.
Patti! PATTI!! On my own! Why did it end this way!! Come on, Patti! Bitch, you turn INTO Patti after eating this.
I’m also a little sad that “Defamer, Morning After, and Valleywag will be permanently shuttered, clearing the path for Jezebel to become the primary voice for celebrity and pop culture coverage in the network.” Unfortunate that the “chick blog” is the one that gets celebrity / pop culture dumped on it... if Gawker…
Fuck you. For real. Take your ignorant bullshit elsewhere.
i knew it would only take minutes for one of you assholes to emerge.
But they could afford it. Her job just didn’t give her enough leave.
It doesn’t sound like they couldn’t afford to have children though; just that they couldn’t afford to have one of the parents out of work.
I have a difficult time believing that he was diligent about protecting his partners.
I just feel like he should have a box filled with needles like they used to do with cigarettes.
I’m trying to wrap my flu ridden head around this. So Charlie Sheen’s story is that he is HIV positive, was totally upfront and honest with all his partners about his status and used protection, no HIV transmission? Where does the blackmail payouts come from then? Contact the authorities and tell them you are being…
“The emotional effects of his diagnosis may help explain some of his behavior over the past two years”