
This, combined with the fact that Porsha didn’t know her sister was pregnant? What is WRONG with this family?

While it is true that Caitlyn Jenner transitioned with privileges that far too few trans* enjoy, I think responses like Mr. Smith’s make it pretty clear that transitioning is still an act of bravery.

It can both be true that Caitlyn Jenner is not deserving of the Woman of the Year, and that this guy is an asshole for calling her a man.

But, Khloe, how was that hilarious? It’s an old photo + a new one. That’s not even particularly amusing. If you want to post your two magazine covers side-by-side, rock on, but why would you go with “hilarious” as a descriptor? That just confuses people and it sounds like you don’t know what that word means.

I was at a talk with Tim Gunn a few weeks ago and he was very candid about despising the K clan, and that he’d go on record anytime about it. He also had a few choice words about Wintour.

She was so smug on WWHL. Her “jokes” where mean and rude. She insulted the other guest’s age, for being on dancing with the stars and career. She acted like Bobby Flay was so gross but whenever she is around her she climbs all over him. Of course her bf is married it fits her mean girl personality.

Found the middle aged white lady!

There, fixed that.

JOSEPH”(of Bible,& Amazing Tech.Dream Coat)

I question her diagnosis. There is a lot of controversy about whether “chronic Lyme” is real:

too soon, too many X-mas song will kill me too. HAVA NAGILA

I look forward to both loathing and loving whatever ish Faye Resnick is slinging. She is such a tool.

Brian Moylan’s on Vulture are always amazing.

Please hire a Housewives reviewer. Hell, I'll even do it for some scraps and hugs from Rich!

They need to get Allison DuBois to show up again.

Right? They could show her footage of a thing happening and she would deny the thing happened. How anyone could watch the same show and still be on her side (and hate Melissa) is beyond me.

Remember Vicki and Laurie diligently selling insurance from Vicki’s office?

God yes, those were the days of Jo De La Rosa. The reunion was in Jeana’s backyard. We were all so innocent.

Good news/bad news...it ain’t close to over. HEATHER’S WORLD debuted on iTunes today with Shannon and Tamra.

So glad there is a place to discuss my theories. Brooks was ready to lie about cancer and Vicki was in on it. He even tried it out on Brianna once, and she didn’t buy it. Vicki thought Brooks’s cancer story would give her the dominant storyline in the show - everyone paying attention to her, and everyone else’s