
What puzzles me about this particular situation is that she did arrange for childcare. So she did have the option of leaving the baby with the sitter outside of the meeting space but didn’t. There is a lot of talk about “NOT EVERYONE CAN AFFORD CHILDCARE AND IT’S NOT FAIR.” That would normally be a valid critique, but

I’ve taken my kids to work occasionally, and sometimes even had them sit in the classroom quietly reading. Hell, when I was chair of the department, a colleague even left her two pre-school age kids in my office to watch while she taught (apparently, they had pink eye).

Look, I love babies. I like moms (some of them). But if I was invited to speak in from of hundreds of people, do a book signing, and participate in an intense professional conference, I’d arrange for child care for the day. No, you can’t bring your baby to work, sorry. That includes adjunct teaching. Advocate for

Nasim Pedrad is killing it (ha ha), and I am truly enjoying Jamie Lee Curtis as well.

It’s such a disappointment. I had no idea he was such an asshole.

Regardless, she IS a monster suing her 12-year-old nephew for something that happened when he was eight. That is especially fucked up and bitchy of her after this poor kid lost his mother. And I kind of wonder if that was her sister and that is why she didn’t do anything until now. Maybe she is hoping to get some of

“I was at a party recently and it was difficult to hold my hors d’oeuvres plate,” she added.

I would like to believe this, but if that were the case wouldn’t she be using a more spirited defense than “I can’t hold my plate at parties?”

There is a huge difference between deciding to engage with people and actively leaving them out of a group. One is being normal, the other is being a complete asshole.

Actually, it’s Ms. Chanandler Bong.

Abusive people don’t look like cartoon villains, but rather like normal people. I’m not saying this guy is abusive, but posting a smiling photo of him with his kid literally proves nothing one way or the other.

Under the anonymity of the internet, I can actually confirm it was Harvey Weinstein. I went to grad school with Ashley Judd and she told this story as we were discussing adult development and how some powerful men end up as predators. She was young when it happened and I absolutely believe her because a) every fucking

Come on. We all know it’s Harvey Weinstein. It’s always Harvey Weinstein.

Emmett Till’s mother asked for those photos to be taken so the world could know what happened to her child. This goes beyond white people being “titillated” by dead black bodies. This is about remembering. This image was on the cover of magazines at a time when the men who did this could literally get away with

Could have been worse. Remember the last black kid disciplined for looking at a white girl?

Oh no! They were glued to their phones, you say? Someone call the outrage police! These young women must be taught a lesson post haste!

They were participating in a promotion that involved taking selfies put on by the stadium. It had just been announced right before this clip.

What type of psychologist does that?! Holy shit.

Old Navy sucks tho. The already-sketchy quality has gone down. They haven’t had any cute summer dresses in years. And the plus size? Ridiculous that’s its online-only & not great. How did he get this job?