My sister-in-law wore her wedding dress to my wedding. [drops mic]
My sister-in-law wore her wedding dress to my wedding. [drops mic]
“See, once you know the stories, it’s not that bad. First marriage, wife’s hidden sexuality, not my fault. Second marriage, said the wrong name at the altar, a little my fault. Third marriage, well they really shouldn’t allow you to get married when you’re that drunk and have writing all over your face, Nevada’s…
No, because my husband’s fucking douche caboose cousin unplugged our DJ’s equipment and plugged in his laptop so more music he liked would be played. I guess the songs we picked for our wedding weren’t of his taste.
She’s bad, but she isn’t the worst guest ever, that honor(?) goes to my cousin’s estranged father who insisted on hitting on 17 year old me and then decided that the only reason I wasn’t reciprocating was because I was obviously dating the guy next to me, my other cousin, his estranged ex step son, who he didn't…
I was about to jump down your throat. Rachel has no fault in the ruining of that wedding. She was invited. She (eventually) showed up. He said the wrong name. Emily was stricken from our lives forever (thank fuck, she is literally the worst)
How could a guest be any worse? Unless you are say Rachel from friends and you ruin the whole goddamn thing because the groom is in love with you not the bride and says the wrong thing. Really that was more Ross’s fault though. Please elaborate on how she could have been worse? Maybe if she was like Godzilla and…
This whole “Demi always makes everything about her” thing is what confuses me. Is this common knowledge I’ve just missed out on?
I never felt much of anything towards SJP, good or bad, until I read a book called The Perfect Scent. It’s about the perfume industry, and a good portion of it follows the process of making SJP’s first perfume, Lovely. It’s written by a really terrific journalist named Chandler Burr, and while it isn’t hagiographic by…
SJP has always been very fit so this is just bizarre.
Allow me to complain about girl’s costumes too... my five-year-old daughter absolutely loves the cartoon Teen Titans Go. It is her favorite show by far. She’s constantly playing Teen Titans when she’s outside running around. She’s always Starfire, who is her favorite, I’m always Robin and my wife is always Raven. She…
I have a cross stitch sign in my bathroom that says “Please don’t do coke in the bathroom.”
I keep my mascara for years, and the only eye infection I’ve ever had was toward the end of a six-week trip to Costa Rica on which I didn’t even bring eye makeup. So...not buying the dire warnings.
Shouldn’t this ‘article’ have a “sponsored by Stowaway” tag? I feel like I was tricked into reading an ad.
She could have, and nearly did, cause her own child to die. Over a spider. But, yeah, go easy on her.
It’s the face that can’t be explained...