
Same. I’m also amazed that they haven’t even managed a “we were doing what we thought was best for the safety of our student body at the time, but we’re sorry for the humiliation and fright our caution has caused Ahmed” pseudo apology yet. Would it kill them to fake some compassion here? They put a kid through some

If they really thought the clock was a bomb, wouldn’t they have evacuated the school?

“we cannot allow items on campus that can be perceived to pose a threat.”

This is probably naive, but I’m still amazed that they’re holding fast and tight to the three-day suspension. Even though they were proven every possible kind of wrong, and there’s no way to prove that he had intent to pose jack shit.

Ideally yes.

I still call my friend’s mom Mrs. B and I’m in my 30s. A couple years ago, it occurred to me that she might find it uncomfortable, having long since divorced Mr. B. I asked her if it was okay to still address her that way. She looked at me with so much love and said “Sweetie, I’ll always be your Mrs. B. It’s so much

My mom, who is the cool young mom everyone loves, finds it funny that all my (30 year old) friends who have known her since they were 18 all call her by her first name. She is sensible enough to be upset by it or hold it against them, but she definitely remarked on it when it first happened and we laugh about it when

My born-during-WWII mom would raise an eyebrow at any friend of mine or my siblings who didn’t address her as Mrs J____. Though she would graciously allow them to shorten it to Mrs J once they met her approval. They still do and we’re talking people in their 40s and 50s.

Southerner here. So yeah it’s Ms. This and Mr. That or Sir or Ma’am. That’s just the way it is. Not creepy at all.

This is fantastic information, thank you. A follow up?

Thank god someone in this country is will to ask the question “but how do white people feel right now?”

Yes, Bristol, you’re absolutely right. The police who dragged a 14-year-old out of school in handcuffs for building a science project and subjected him to hours of racist interrogation without allowing him access to a lawyer or his parents are the real victims here. The police and white people everywhere. Can’t put

“You should feel good about yourself! But not too good. Feel a little bad about yourself, too, or the boys won’t like you and the girls will think you’re a bitch.”

lol @ “can we have TOO MUCH confidence” already undercutting, undermining them, sowing doubt. get used to it while you’re young girls!!

But to be fair, they could still be tackier:

You really think she’s the one making financial/business decisions? I know this is jezebel, but here’s a hint: no smart person (female or male) is making their own business decisions. They have managers, consultants, and advisers.

I doubt she would have much a career today had it not been for Newlyweds, so I call bullshit on that.

Several halloweens ago, I was at a house party with a few friends and lots of people I didn’t know. I walked into the bathroom and walked right in on a nun giving a BJ to Jesus while he was drinking a glass of wine and smoking a cig.

Oh! I have another one. I had to shake Donald Trump’s hand during the Peace at church on Easter Sunday. Two years in a row.