
This is a strangely beautiful & sprawling epic into madness.

According to the Free Press, Gamrat told reporters she thought she’d worked out a “deal” to not get fired: “I had a clear understanding that if I were to plead guilty to everything that there would be a censure.

Shana Tova to you as well Randi. Had no idea you were a fellow member of the tribe.

“At 8, I had men putting dimes in my hands saying, ‘Call me. It’d be so great to f— when you’re older.’ And just horrible stuff.”

Speaking of TMZ, and to everyone who celebrates. L’Shana Tova

Unfortunately Louis CK has a nasty habit of sexually assaulting women :(

Some of us aren’t good at keeping ingredients stocked.

My friend’s mom is named Cherry. Even better, she had the balls to criticize Gwyneth Paltrow for naming her daughter Apple. My friend said, “Mom. Your name is CHERRY.”

It’s actually a pretty great way to transport alcohol into places where alcohol is not permitted. See: me circa 2012, smuggling box wine into a Smith College dining hall via a tinted nalgene, because what kind of philistines host an event where they make Julia Child’s recipes without supplying wine??? WAS I SUPPOSED

And the baby didn’t cry or something when it’s formula tasted awful? Kid must have been hungry.

I think you’re confused. I’m 99% sure that he didn’t beat her up because she gave the baby vodka. He beat her up because he’s an abusive drunk that was pissed off because he couldn’t drink his vodka that he had put in a WATER bottle probably so he could drink it at work.

Yep, a trick used to camoflage drinking at work, drinking and driving, and the much more innocent smuggling booze into a concert, sporting event, or movie.

Your one month old baby just drank a shot and a half of vodka and your first reaction is to beat up the mother?

Yes and what's funny is my son started reading that book for English class yesterday. Her character came up and I had to start laughing because of this article. That's it, I've already decided that I'm naming my next cat Cherry Valance.

thank you for explaining i thought that was the case but i’m not totes up to date

Yeah, if my husband came out as transgender, I would definitely be devastated. (This actually happened to a friend of mine - and she took it in stride, but they were very young and not married for very long.)

Having caught the latest episode of “I am Cait” it was made pretty clear that Kris is having a hard time with all of this. And I don’t think anyone can fault her for that. It’s great Caitlyn Jenner is out and doing her thing and living her life but that transition impacts more than her. It impacts her whole family.

She’s a self proclaimed conservative. And it’s clear that she wants rights and acceptance just for herself. The larger population be damned.

Yo, Cait, Imma let you finish, but you were married three times. THREE TIMES!

I’m surprised she bothers. Unlike most former Miss Americas she has a real career now (I refuse to acknowledge what Gretchen Carlson does as a career). Miss America used to be a way an ambitious young woman could get some exposure (hem, hem) even if it was sexist and humiliating as hell. But women today have much