To be fair, if your parents didn’t make you and your siblings all wear that Old Navy flag shirt every goddamn Fourth of July, are you really even American?
To be fair, if your parents didn’t make you and your siblings all wear that Old Navy flag shirt every goddamn Fourth of July, are you really even American?
She's not wrong. But she is wrong.
But it’s also sort of odd that a U.S. court would force the U.S.-born children of a U.S.-born mother to live with their German father who lives in France because he was unable to have his visa renewed. Right?
Eh, I just think that people are sick of hearing about them every single day. There are certainly racist and misogynist elements to the hate, but I think it’s mostly a case of heavy oversaturation. They are EVERYWHERE and it’s annoying. I just try not to click on most of the links.
They never should have let that girl have her lips done before she turned 18. That is just stupid parenting.
If I ever decided to shoplift from Target and get caught in the process, hopefully it will be some classy Gilligan O’Malley shit and not from the dollar bin.
I agree with you. I know the article says, “I know you guyz have already seen this, but...” But I haven’t seen it. I could I guess, but I haven’t. It seems weird to see someone’s penis when they didn’t want you to. He seems like a good sport about it, but jeez.
Yes, he has had some Controversy, but I suppose it is a Sign O’ The Times.
I don’t know what republicans want. They don’t want women to be able to have babies they don’t want woman to be able to avoid having babies.
I think my favorite Trump fan excuse was when one of the Trump supporters argued that Trump was really referring to the stigmata — the blood flowing from Jesus Christ’s wrists and ankles after they were pierced during the crucifixion.
don’t overlook the fact that in the author’s eyes, it’s not the Nazi that gets redeemed by love that’s important—it’s the Jewish woman who gets redeemed by rejecting her faith and embracing Christianity. In the evangelical world these writers work in, that’s the whole point of the work. No matter what else happens in…
My grand parents were Holocaust survivors. My grandmother was in Auschwitz. Not only that, she was a blonde haired, blue eyed teenager from Budapest who could have left her family, renounced her faith and hidden but she didn’t. The fact that someone would romanticise her struggles and the genocide of 6 million people…
Holy. Shit.
Isn’t the point of contention the use of the word “Afro” being used to describe a while girl’s hair. Wouldn’t it be pretty fucking hypocritical of you to tell Jewish people that they shouldn’t use the term Jewfro, since fro itself only denotes a curly coiffure?
Whoa, wait, what’s wrong with Jewfro? How else can I describe my hair? Einstein-esque? Slightly kinky super curly very frizzy? I’m not appropriating anything but the “fro” phoneme here, my hair sans a perm is kinky and curly and when untamed, is very much like a natural or Afro style.
I thought Diana would prevent something like that.
I nearly had a damn heart attack.
Phew! Thank you. That statement actually shocked and upset me. Maria would NEVER steal someone’s man.