Ah, she’s one of those—enjoys all the benefits of feminism, but doesn’t want to acknowledge how it’s helped her.
Ah, she’s one of those—enjoys all the benefits of feminism, but doesn’t want to acknowledge how it’s helped her.
You know, this asshole never stops talking about her black sons and hate crimes committed against her. Because that’s the whole, authentic black experience—having black kids and being hate-crimed. And hate crimes are serious and real, but she’s made EIGHT unsubstantiated claims, with strong evidence that she’d sent…
I think the main difference people would draw here is that your racial heritage contains several different cultures, so it’s understandable that you would sometimes feel more one thing than another, and that that might fluctuate.
She could have been doing good work as a white woman instead of dressing up in blackface.
They didn’t. The media approached them, after the police started looking into a fake hate crime report she filed. If she’d been content with merely pretending to be black (and pretending that she lived in South Africa, and that a friend was her father, and that her brother was her son, and that she lived in a teepee…
Where can I find some pure heroin? Asking for a friend
1. My husband isn’t this stupid, so I wouldn’t have to worry about it if we did do this. But honey, this is where you get up out of that chair and walk away. It’s OK. You didn’t have to put up with it just because you just married him and he’s trashed.
2. We didn’t do any garter- or bouquet-tossing, or cake-smashing…
I would understand and subscribe to the rationale underlying the completely bullshit dresscodes imposed upon young women in school.
Jeez, my heart nearly broke watching her cry at the end. I’m glad her girlfriends were there for her.
“For every orphan Annie, there’s a 30-year-old Russian dwarf who’s just pretending to be a child, according to a movie that I watched part of.” -Liz Lemon
I have about 50 employees, two young managers that mind the day to day customer stuff and two part time assistant managers that back them up. Yes, retail employees can be a pain in the ass, especially the college students. Brown Bottle flu every Saturday morning, etc. But this wouldn’t fly with me.
Right. As Margaret Atwood says, Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will murder us.
Imagine for a moment that you’re gay, but the guy stood next to you doesn’t know that, and he says something horrible about that gay guy over there. Different minority group, but the same principle.
Just because the bigot didn’t meant to offend you doesn’t make it hurt any less.
WOW. way to be a part of the problem.
I understand what you’re saying but I think it’s a little arrogant to imply it was any less painful for me to hear those things simply because it wasn’t directed at me.
Thank god this was a short update, I am still trying to catch up on all the other articles from today. I cannot absorb this information fast enough. (AND YET WE STILL DONT KNOW WTF IS ACTUALLY GOING ON)
“Maybe the 50s and 60s were really on to something.”
Boy, they sure were! Back when women could be legally beaten by their husbands for burning the pot roast, when lil Suzy came down with a nasty case of polio and her big brother Jimmy was sent off to fight in Korea. Family vacations in the air conditioner-less land…
Well, they are the ones teaching children, so.....
With good reason, don’t you think?