
I couldn’t help but wonder...was she even pregnant to begin with?

Plus three years ago she was 14??? Her mom’s like I’m done supporting you!

I’m, like, 49 out of 90 holds at the library and I cannot wait. One of the great joys of the public library is being able to read these crazy things without actually spending money on them. This one promised to be especially bonkers and thoroughly enjoyable.

My barista loves me. Or so I’ve told myself a number of times.

I’m a flight attendant that flies for United Express. *that being said, i do not represent United** I have never heard or read any policy about no unopened cans because danger. If someone requests a full can of soda and we have plenty of the product we give it to them. Usually opened and poured over ice but that’s

Uhmmm I think the idea of bracelets that synchronize with music sounds like an AWESOME idea, even without them saving lives. I want one.

Why can’t they do something with their hair? Does Christ not like a nice tease & spray or a blow dry?

Two-Spirit? I require more information.

I think this is one of my favorite things that has ever happened in the history of reality TV.

Basically just anything but Tylenol. Ibuprofen has a pretty short life though so if you take it before bed, it wouldn’t do much good so to ease the effect on your body (just to be safe) I would only take it in the morning. Naproxen lasts longer but is also slower acting so if you like to take something before bed,

Addiction is not something I’m comfortable putting up for fodder. If she has a history of assaulting people while drunk or high, and being an entitled ass in general then I'm happy to see her up in the board with the rest of them.

“Why did I see 75 planes spraying white stuff in the sky on my 15 minute drive to work?”

I have a friend who has these kind of relationships and I make clear I want nothing to do with being around while they’re in the “zone” so to speak.

While I think open conversations are an important part of parenting, I think it’s kind of disingenuous to claim a parent can just tell their child that the man walking a woman on a leash around the mall is just “make believe.” Kids generally know that normal adults don’t usually play make believe in public and walk

Yeah, no. You don’t make me part of your sub/dom sexual play without my consent. There are fairs and clubs for that.

Him barring her from seeing the kids is detailed in the above article. If the judge was moved to modify the original custody arrangement here, Rutherford and her team clearly had to present compelling evidence. Previously the courts had not been willing to budge.

I’m not saying she’s necessarily a better parent. Or did I say that and I’ve both somehow forgotten and it also disappeared from my comment? I was, however, saying that because her ex-husband took her children to a faraway country where she would have little work options available to her, he effectively made it

In Soviet Russia, server hit on you.

in the book it’s even worse. Rhett rides through town with the body of Bonnie Blue seated in front of him on his horse.

Yes. It’s even a cultural trope. Haven’t folks seen Gone With The Wind?