My Grandmother keeps her Balenciaga gown that she bought in 1952, in a climate controlled storage vault. She has requested to be buried in it. My mother and Aunt’s are pushing for cremation
My Grandmother keeps her Balenciaga gown that she bought in 1952, in a climate controlled storage vault. She has requested to be buried in it. My mother and Aunt’s are pushing for cremation
Interesting. That huge story and it still didn’t click with you that it’s not about you or Gwyneth but about SNAP. You came to the right conclusions about your privilege thanks to Gwynny’s effort at an awareness campaign, but you’re still siding with Malkin.
Exactly...Josh Groban did this, Mario Batalli did this, many other rich celebrities and politicians have done this and not a peep from Jezebel...honestly, the level of high-school mean girl bitchiness this site can produce at times is truly mind-boggling. Why not just simply say, “We hate this bitch, we hate…
Jesus Christ, what a bunch of butts. I don’t have kids and I don’t want kids and I don’t really like kids but I do my best to nod along supportively when people talk about their kids or show me pictures or whatever because that is basic human courtesy and also I guess it’s really nice that people love their kids? It’s…
Yeah, I don’t get the hate either. She lives in a bubble and has her whole life, and to me, she’s just adorably clueless. I spend time around some of the Sydney “old money” with my friends and I joke that they just see a gold & white dress - that is how they live, have lived and their truth. It doesn’t make them evil,…
By your logic I shouldn’t volunteer at a womens shelter because I go home to a husband who doesn’t beat me. So what if Ms. Paltrow will never go hungry by choice, she is bringing attention that millions do.
Exactly. They want you to think being on food stamps means you are sponging off the system and living the life of Riley when the reality is far different. What’s wrong with a celebrity bringing attention to that reality? I say the more the better. As one commentator said, her mother works at a food bank and the media…
I had a roommate who ate nothing but bean wraps, eggs and whatever produce was on last chance clearance, so like 90% off and questionably safe. She measured her food religiously too, she even used a scale. She only had $120 a month in food stamps but she made it work.
GP can be a pretentious and out of touch and eat all the foofy-doof GOOP she wants, but as long as she’s not actively doing any harm, why make fun of her? She’s bringing SNAP into the limelight, and if even one person learns about the realities of families living on SNAP because of what she’s doing, then she’s done a…
Yeah, I remember the criticism about the Ice Bucket Challenge - that it was philanthropy for millennials and merely an easy way to feel like you’re doing something good without actually having to do anything (slacktivism - god I hate that term). The charity is just a postscript to you posting something on social…
Gwyneth Paltrow is one of the most ridiculous, painfully out-of-touch celebrities I’ve ever goddamn seen. This campaign is surely going to devolve into eye-rolly sanctimoniousness.
The GOP has painted welfare recipients as grifters who are living high on the hog eating steak and lobster. I applaud any celebrity who uses their status to tear down the outrageous lies that party propagates.
The WHOLE POINT of the challenge is to give privileged people the perspective of the underprivileged. She didn’t create it, she’s just playing along, and bringing a lot of attention to it in the process. Why on earth are we criticizing her for participating in something intended to broaden empathy for an important…
Slate ran a good piece yesterday that anyone snarking on this should read:
I’m not sure I completely understand the disdain for this. Yes, Gwyneth Paltrow is almost always tone-deaf about her privilege. But in this case, she’s bringing attention to how woefully inadequate support for people is in this country. I suppose I can see the criticism about poverty voyeurism, but ultimately I do…
I hate this type of argument. Celebrities are rich so what do they really know about poverty - they get to go to Europe!
Since when is it “bullshit” to try to do a good thing, however cluelessly and clumsily?
this will ruin your regular bra and also not support you, not to mention how sweaty it would be.
this will ruin your regular bra and also not support you, not to mention how sweaty it would be.
“Because I couldn’t think of a reason why you would need that prescription.”
This post needs some cheering up. My grandma (stay with me) has a grand tale of taking a plane ride with her newborn son to visit her parents and getting sat with the coasters (ye olde band, “yakety yak”, “charlie brown”, “other novelty songs”). billy guy (alllegedly) kept chatting her up and making eyes at her…